Mark slipped into his car with Miles in tow and started driving. "So Mark what happened between you and your wife split, if you're fine with me asking that" Miles asked carefully trying not to be as distracting. "Uhm well I'm not sure, we just felt out of love...? If that makes sense, though something else happend sometime in between then I guess..." He rolled his and turned the radio on "oh Weezer !!" He smiled as he turned the volume up. "Is this Buddy Holly?" "Mhm it's my favorite, well along with some others" Mark felt more peaceful and after listening to multiple Weezer songs, and soon they were at his ex wife's house. "Mm stay in here while I go get Nicolas, k?" "Mk !" Miles smiled as he saw Mark walk to the door and knock. "You're here on time for once" Hannah, his ex wife, sarcastically stated. "Yeah yeah whatever, is Nico all packed?" He peered in through the area that Hannah's body didn't take up. And saw Nico bound towards the door. "Hi papa !!" Nico hugged Mark's legs as he smiled and pat his head. "You ready to go kiddo?" Mark smiled as picked up Nico's bag thingy.
I visibly don't feel like writing anymore meow !!