Chapter 1

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They tell you when you meet the one, that you will just know. As if a magnetic field will pull you together. In all honesty, that is the farthest thing from the truth. When I met her, i was jealous of her. She was pretty, athletic, and was friends with all the guys. But then we became friends. Actually we became best friends. And then everything erupted, and i fell in love with her. Here is our story.


" Matthew texted you again, Sis!" Dad yelled from the front room. I was trying to finish up my makeup but i knew he was close. We were going to the football game against Northmont, our rival. He was pumped, as always, and wanted to get there super early. He was picking up a few other friends before he came to get me, which didnt help my anxiety. I was going to be the only freshman hanging out with a bunch of seniors.

"I'm trying to hurry!" I yell back. But before Dad could say anything else, a car horn blasted. "Mother fucker." I said to myself. I checked my outfit in the mirror one more time just to make sure that it looked decent and that my makeup matched. I grabbed my jacket from my hook and walked to the front room. Another car horn. I hurried and grabbed my phone off charge.

"Be home by midnight!" Dad yelled at me from the chair as i rushed out the door. I saw the red mustang parked in the drive and Garret, one of Matthew's friends that I had met once before, was getting out to move the seat for me to sit in the back. I slid in the back, saying my hellos and listening to Matthew complain about how slow. I then focused in and realized i was not the only one in the back. Another girl, with her hair in a pony tail and a headband in was sitting next to me. I had seen her around school a few times with Garret, she always wore her hair like this and always wore basketball shorts with a t-shirt or skinny jeans with a band tee. And yet she was one of the prettiest girls in our school, in my opinion. She smiled at me slightly and i smiled back but quickly converted my attention back to Matthew.

"This theme is bull shit, how in the hell am i supposed to look hot while I'm dressed up like an old man?!" Matthew complained. I laughed as Garret shook his head and laughed.

"The point is to watch a football game, not pick up chicks." Garret chuckled.

"Or do both." laughed the girl next to me. I was confused by her comment but the guys laughed so i did too. Matthew high-fived her and then pulled out of the drive way. They kept small talk going until we got to the high school. I would say a little comment here and there but i didn't really get into it too much.

As we were getting out of the car, i pretty much ran over next to Matthew. I felt awkward around Garret and since his girlfriend, or whoever she is, is with them, i feel extra awkward.

"This is Brie, by the way!" Matthew laughed pointing at me. I laughed awkwardly and said hi in my shy voice. "This is Garret and Tina." he said pointing at them. Tina. That was such an odd name to me. I had never heard anyone named tina, other than older people. It was nice. I liked the change. I smiled and they said hi. I kind of hid behind Matthew as they continued to laugh about something they had said earlier.

"Matthew, can i get something to eat?" I ask with my puppy dog eyes. He laughed and said no but then pulled out his wallet and handed me a five. I smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you!" He continued up to the stands and Tina followed behind him. Garret wanted something from the concessions stand too so he came with me.

"Your girlfriend seems nice." I smiled at him awkwardly as we stood in line. The line went on forever. Crawfordsville had always been big on football, that is the main reason i never went unless i was invited or forced.

Garret looked at me funny and then his eyes got large. "You think Tina is my girlfriend?" he started to laugh. I was completely confused as t why he was laughing but then i realized that i had just made a fool of myself. I could feel my jaw clench and tears started to form. My fists balled next to my leg and i started tapping my foot. "No! NO! HA. No, umm Tina and I used to be a thing but we broke up a while ago. Haha. Yeah, I'm umm not her type." I felt bad, I could tell her was laughing off some type of pain. Maybe he still liked her.

My jaw unclenched and my foot stopped tapping. "What do you mean 'not her type'?" He looked at me funny and shook his head.

"How may i help you?" A lady standing in the concession line asked. It took me off guard a little because i didn't realize we were at the front of the line.

"Oh umm may i have a popcorn and a sweet tea?" I smiled. She told me how much i owed and then asked Garret what he wanted. We got our things and then made small talk a little on the way to find Matthew and Tina in the bleachers. When we saw them, i noticed that Tina was sort of shooting a glare at Garret as we walked toward them. Which confused me completely but i ignored it and handed Matthew his change and then sat down.

During the game we hung out and made small talk. Tina and i never talked but we kept making awkward eye contact but every time we slightly smiled at each other. I noticed her eyes were really pretty. They were a grey blue with a speck of gold. I don't know why i had noticed these things, but i did. I felt a little tug in my chest when she looked at me the first time. It was quite odd and i dont know why it happened or what it was.

After the game ended we all went to Matthew's house. A whole group of people came over to play cards against humanity which was a fun but very dirty. After a while though i noticed that Tina's hands started to shake. She pulled Matthew to the side and said something then left without a goodbye. I don't know why but it kinda hurt my feelings that she didn't even say goodbye to me. Matthew went back to his seat in between a couple of other girls and continued to flirt with them, as always. He was definitely a flirt.

I felt my phone vibrate and when i checked it, it was my dad. It read, "Your brother is staying here if you want to stay somewhere else you can." I felt drained. I hated when this happened. I knew Matthew would understand me staying here tonight so i went to find his mom and she said it was fine. I went into Matthews room and made a pallet on the floor. It was really loud in the kitchen because so many people were there so i shut the door and fell asleep in my little bed.


"BRIE!!" Matthew yelled. I jumped up out of my bed. I was so scared. Above me, was Matthew. Laughing. "Did i get you?" he laughed and laughed. "Mom said to come out for breakfast so lets go!" he knelt down and started to tug on my arm. He helped me up and started for the kitchen. I got my plate and put a piece of bacon and a slice of toast. Matthew cleared his throat to get my attention and put another piece of bacon on it. I didn't hesitate to take it back off and place it down. I sighed and went to sat down.

"So what happened with Tina last night?" I asked taking a nibble of my bacon. He looked up at me a little confused. "What?" I asked.

"She was just asking about you..." He said raising an eye brow. I looked at him to see if he was just kidding.

"What was she asking?" I asked. He refused to tell me but he did tell me that she was just having a diabetic attack. I felt bad for being upset that she had left. She definitely doesn't look like someone who would have diabetes.

After a while Matthew took me home to get a change of clothes and we went back to his house. People were coming over again for a movie night and he wanted me to help set up and prepare for it. And honestly the only reason i agreed was so i could have another chance to talk to her.

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