(20) wait you dont?

11 1 0


sitting in her studio, she was getting ready to print the lyric guide. and to remaster some of the parts where she had to improvise chords. she usually used her piano in different instrument modes to make her songs. this proving to be harder given you play a piano with, 2 hands. this wasn't gonna go well. originally she had to use chords from other songs and mash them together to make the sound she wanted. but since she had access to her piano now, she can actually play what she wanted and fix the parts that are absolutely not in the right key whatsoever.

which was, let me tell you, every single god damn song. she cannot work without her piano, not a single bit could she do it without going insane a little. once she finished the girls would stop by and they would record and then she would gush about how good they sounded. and soon their producer would come over and he would help record her lines.

for the time being, she would get only minor parts of the song due to her lack of presence in anything they'd be doing. she couldn't think of singing that much in a song where she won't even be present for most of the promoting either way. disappointing, so, disappointing. it was fine either way.

hearing her phone ring, she groaned and picked it up. "you have reached the ko seokyu automated message. leave a message after the silence." she spoke fluidly waiting as she kept quiet. "i know you aren't an automated message. i've heard your voicemail message hundreds of times." the familiar voice made her groan and roll her eyes.

putting it on speaker, she left it on the table as she went back to work. "yes, what would you like to order from seokyu's restaurant." she boredly said, hearing him crack up on the other end. "your wife told me to call you because she couldn't and told me to tell you to eat instead of spending your entire day working." she snorted.

"you can just call her yeri, she's not my wife." hearing him pause. she raised an eyebrow at his silence. "she isn't?"
"no duh? i don't even like girls, me and yeri just say that as a joke mark." there was no way that he was actually convinced that she and yeri were dating this entire time right? there was no way, he couldn't be serious. he couldn't. he really couldn't. she would not let this be lived down if he wasn't joking.

"wait. holup. so like, so. like. uhm.. so like.. wait no no no. there's no way. you don't actually like girls? YOU'RE NOT INTO THEM?" his slow ascend of confusion made him crack. bursting out into laughter as she leaned over into her knees to keep herself from falling off her chair onto the ground and land on her cast unsuspectingly. "YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT THIS WHOLE TIME YOU LIKED GUYS?"

she could practically feel the tears flow from her eyes as she coughed and laughed. holding her stomach from how hard she was laughing at that moment. this was way too good to be true, way way too good. this couldn't be how she learned that mark thought she was lesbian all this time. his stupidity was so bright that she could practically see it through the screen.

"dude, i'm like.. like actually surprised.. like i actually thought you liked girls." this would've been so golden had this been in real life. she wish she could take a photo of this moment or tell her fans this. tell nctzens this happened. tell anyone this happened. her stomach hurt so much. oh it was so painful to move her face.

"mark you're too much. you're literally a single cell." she was practically sobbing at this point. jesus, she's known this dude for 10 years how did he think that she was married to yeri. if she was she would've said something already. what an idiot. "i... i'm gonna hang up now... yeri said to eat soon."

the call quickly ended and she proceeded to slide back in her seat and wipe her tears away. sputtering a few giggles as she tried to breathe properly again. she couldn't believe this. she was gonna hold this against mark for years to come. headlines will come out one day if it was ever found out. news flash 'mark lee thought ko seokyu was lesbian and in love with yeri' save her.


hearing a knock on her door, she rolled back to open it ever so slightly. "unnie!" hearing them file in slowly and surely. dropping on the couches and bean bag chairs she had for people to sit on whenever they were doing something. "yes my lovely daughters, my baby yanyu will be recording first." she cooed going to pull the girl away from the recording room into a hug.

"unnie! i'm not a baby!"
"yes, baby toothless whatever you say." pushing her to the recording room. she stared adoring at her. she loved her members if you couldn't tell already. seeing her put on the headphones and read a little through the lyrics. "yes, can you hear me?" she pushed on the mic as she saw an okay signal.

"alright, take all the time you need to read over your parts. when you're ready just hit the glass a little bit yes?" seeing a nod, she smiled and turned to the other members. "here you all are." handing them the lyric guides, they groaned knowing that even if it wasn't their turn just yet, they'd need to memorize these later.

"unnie, could you sing my part please. i don't.. i don't know how to pronounce it.." the chinese girl asked very confused. "yes of course my baby." holding down on the button, she went to sing the part of the song the way she sang it in the lyric guide. "ahh.. can i try the part with the song please?" she nodded, cuing the song a little before the part.

staring intently as she listened to the part be sung by the girl. she was absolutely right when assigning parts. their voices always sounded right whenever she assigned parts to voices. she knew it immediately. she always could figure out what was right for the song. "ah so cute." she cooed as the younger finished. "but you weren't letting yourself sing at your full potential. i know you warmed up already but try to sing it a pitch lower than you were forcing yourself to." she called.

seeing the girl's eyes widen out of shock. she didn't even realize that she sung higher or was even forcing it either. how the hell did the older even catch that. "ooh, unnie, how'd you know? i thought yanyu was fine." she shrugged, she just could tell was what she would say. if it mattered too much. it didn't matter.

"okay, i'm ready." playing the music again she listened intently again. it was definitely better. the girl was good at picking up korean phrasing and just was good at singing. hearing her finished, she cheered as a sign of joy. "that's our lead vocalist! ahh you're so good." seeing her start to get shy from the compliments. she turned to the girls as a signal.

"wahhh yanyu has always been such a good vocalist i think she should be main vocal."
"yanyu! you are like gold from how amazing you are." hearing her whine from the compliments, she stifled her laughter. "could you please sing the backing and do your adlibs. and the parts for harmony." she smiled seeing her fan herself to recover.

posted; 22/08/22

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