The Water Flowers of Cerulean City

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Ash and the gang  continue on there journey to Cerulean City where Ash will have his next badge which is the Cascade Badge.

There City's Gym specialized in Water Type which also includes swimming lessons for Trainers and shows held there too

"It's kinda feels nice enjoying the sunlight (and touch grass)"
"And while your enjoying your  sunshine, Gary is catching more Pokemon" Ash ignored it
because he doesn't care "But I guess a Pokemon Trainer can capture and enjoy the sun"

"HEY WAIT A MINUTE!" Misty catches up with Ash and Brock, stopping them
"Where did you think your going?"

"Were going to Cerulean City, What's wrong with it" said Ash confused of why Misty is acting oddly that she starts to panic
"Cerulean City!? Where are you going there for!?"

"The next badge is there tho" said Ash
"A-Ash you don't want Pokemon trust me" nervously said Misty
"Because there all..."
"All... what?"
"Very scary ghost Pokemon that look like this..." She made a goofy face that she tried to imitate a scary monster
"Like monsters"

Ash just sweatdropped from Misty's attemot to not go to the city "Uhhh... Let's just get going, C'mon Brock"

Misty blocked the two trainers o there way
"Hey wait about Vermillion City, It's right under water and there alots of neat Pokemon and you can watch other yachts pulling from the harbor..." She suggested
"And theres is a little park way up on the hill that you can sit and watch the sunset that so romantic" She continued
"Its much nicer than old Cerulean City so let's going" Misty cheered
"To Cerulean City."
Cue classic Anime fall

"I heard that they specialized on Water Type Pokémon, I think Pikachu will be good choice to bring"
"Yeah that make sense to me"

Misty gain a tick mark on her head, Angry that they are going to Cerulean City "Aah, I never to wind up back here"


Afternoon came by, They set up camp in the forrest to rest up for the night

Ash decide to bring out all of his Pokemon for training and also introducing his newly caught Clefairy to the group

"Okay everyone, I would like to meet our new member, Clefairy, say hi."
Ash's Pokemon said there hellos which they only say there names and warm uo another

"Clefairy!" The Clefairy happily say hello

"Now what are her moves..." He muttered as he
use his Pokedex to check up his Clefairy
[The Clefairy's gender is Female, and her ability is Magic Guard, Known moves are: Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Minimize, Pound, Charm, Stored Power and Metronome, Egg Move she learned is Wish]

Ash impressed her Movepool even her Egg Move which is a very good support move.

"All right let's get going everyone"

They spent there night training to improve there moves and more, Ash goes easy with Clefairy since she is mew to the group but she is slowly catching up with the others.

But eventually, While Ash's Rattata sparring with Squirtle something unusual happen.
It was the end of match with the two ending with a draw, Rattata then starts to glow

"Hey Rattata are you ok?" said Ash worried something wrong with his Pokemon

"Rata...ta" With the light glowing brighter he began his evolution process
His body became bigger as well both  of his front legs became sharp claws and grew webbed feet, His ears became more scruffy and changing color from purple to bright brown.
Ash happy and congratulate his newly evolved Raticate with Squirtle too, He then proceed to use his Pokedex to check up to file in the data 

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