Chapter 5

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Ok so this is Grace, she looks like a girl that stays home and studies more than she goes shopping, parties, pool or like anything cool. When we walk into my room, Rachel gives me a confused look. "Um grace, can me and my best friend Rachel have a word" I said. "Look Rach, I don't even know that girl, she is supposed to be my neighbor and now my mom wants me to "play" with her. Now can you please just go along with this I don't even like her." I said. "Calm down Lily, it's ok I understand lets embarrass her to no end" Rachel said. That's why I sick with her. Grace walked in and I could tell she was un-sure of what to say or do and I was glad. I mean I'm not one of those bullies but I just have to show Grace that she isn't one of the populars around here. "Um, Lily what school do you go to" asked Grace. I looked at Rachel and said New Hope High. "That's where I'm going, we can be best friends" Grace said.

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