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"Sally~! Time to wake up~!" A sweet, booming voice had exclaimed from the other room. Salem had slowly opened her eyes from slumber to a dark, cold blue bedroom consisting of only two single mattresses upon old bedposts. Soon, a tall figure with long, blue hair. Light, gentle blue eyes and a slim body type had entered the small bedroom.

"Hey, Sally. Happy birthday!" The sweet voice again spoke, but this time. From the woman who had entered the room.

"Zelda.. don't call me that.." Salem had mumbled drowsily in the comfort of the blankets.

"Sally, your mother had named you that. Be grateful." Zelda spoke, soon walking over to Salem and love-tapping her head gently. Afterwards, forcing her to sit up as she began to hug her.

Salem groaned. "Zelda, I swear to god stop saying that right now.." She got up, leaving the poor, snuggly woman behind. Lifting her arms to stretch whilst still in her PJ's. "So, how's Jessica?" *She yawned.*

Zelda frowned. "Now, I thought I raised you better." She stood up and laughed innocently. "She's fine, it's only been a day afterall. Not like she malfunctioned while- one second.." She dashed out of the room.

Salem had sighed to herself. Looking up to the ceiling and breaking the fourth wall. "That my friends, is how you get rid of a Zelda." She laughed, soon going to get dressed.

Eventually, Salem made it down the stairs in her usual outfit. Looking into the kitchen to notice Jessica, a dark grey and eggshell white coloured robot cooking eggs & bacon while wearing a cutesy apron. Salem didn't seem fazed by this at all, since Jessica was her aunt Zelda's wife and she had raised her for most of her existence.

Soon, Salem decided to pop her head into the living- room. Seeing little Meliodas. A tall, blond, blue-eyed handsome little 10-year-old doing his homework. She smiled genuinely at the fact her little nephew would probably do better in life than her.

"Break-fast is ser-ved." A robotic voice had cried from the kitchen, obviously Jessica. She had set up many plates of a plain looking bacon & eggs on a nearby dining table, walking away to chat with Zelda.

"So, loser. How's school?" Salem laughed as her and Meliodas sat down at the dining table to eat, barely touching their plate since mortal food was a curse to sorcerers.

Meliodas soon spoke with a spiteful attitude: "Same old, same old, halfsie." He seemed quite proud with his weak insult.

Salem sighed. "Okay then, Melon. You are a donor sperm with no father which technically means you are half-human. Boom." She tilted her head slightly. Giving him full eye-contact as she flashed a smug grin.

Meliodas looked into her cold-stone, violet eyes with complete anger. "You don't even have a father either, yet here we are." He chuckled arrogantly

Salem scoffed. "Oh please, at least I've met mine unlike you."

The opposing child, Meliodas groaned and left the table. Leaving Salem by herself.

She sighed, looking up to the ceiling. At least that wasn't a spoiled little brat. Soon, getting up and walking over to Zelda.

Zelda was talking to Jessica. Moreso flirting with tiny butterfly kisses inbetween. Now noticing Salem and Turning to her as Jessica left to do cleaning. "Hiya, kid!" She chuckled.

"Hey." Salem spoke in a sort of uninterested tone. "Know if anything good is happening in town today?"

"Well.." Zelda paused and put her finger over her lip to think. "I believe the romance festival is here today, tell you what. You take Meliodas and me and Jessica have our own romance festival here." She spoke in a seductive, joking tone of voice.

Salem's 17thWhere stories live. Discover now