Part 7

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Ramel: yall stay right here I'll be back 

*goes over to Derek and vallyk*

Ramel: so what happened are you getting in trouble

Derek: Nope vallyk talked to the principal and helped me out

Ramel: oh ok good

Derek: Well I'm hungry so imma go get food

*Derek goes into the lunch line while Ramel and vallyk go to the table with the rest of the group*

Kobe: what was that about

Ramel: oh um nothing

Jass: Anyways we should all hang out today after school

Mike: Me and Kobe cant I'm going to yall house

Ramel: and I got track practice sooo

Vallyk: I mean I can come

Derek: Go where

Vallyk: idk Jass wants to hang out

Derek: betttt ion have shit to do

*They continue talking until Derek realizes something*

Derek: Kobe why tf and how tf are you so calm right now

Kobe: because I thought it was a minor argument what it's worse then what I was told do I need to worry

Mike: it was minor *scared*

Derek: Why are you lying to him

Mike: I'm not lying *looks at Jass*

Jass: Derek pls calm down

Kobe: what the fuck is going on that yall are not telling me

Jass and Mike: NOTHING

Derek: yall just gonna keep lying

Mike: maybe i don't want him to know

Kobe: know what

Derek: you just gonna let that nigga slide

Mike: yes it's better that way

Derek: Mike he's gonna find out sooner or later

Mike: he'll only find out if one of yall tell him

Kobe: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON *yells and everyone in the lunch room looks at them*

*Mike sinks down in his seat because of his anxiety*

Mike: nothing pls be quiet i don't like people looking at me

Kobe: Obviously it's not fucking nothing now tell me *looks back* THE FUCK IS EVERYONE STARING AT BOO GO ON BOUT YALL FUCKING LIVES *everyone turns around and minds there business*

Mike: Kobe it's not that important

Kobe: yes the fuck it is now you either going to fucking tell me or Imma have Derek tell me when your not around so it's either you tell me now or I'm going to find out either way

*everyone goes quiet at the table*

Kobe: hello

Mike:Kobe pls

Kobe: ain't no Kobe pls now tell me or I'll be even more extra and go ask Mattia for my damn self

Mike:Kobe stop please just believe me on this one

Jass texts ramel: I'm getting a little scared if kobe finds out he's going to go crazy

Ramel text jass: i don't know what to do

Jass texts ramel: me either

Kobe: *calms himself down* look mike I'm tired of this at this point I'm going to ask one more time or else I'm asking mattia because ik it's had something to do with you because you won't just say what it is so like I said you have 10 seconds to tell me what's going on before I go ask mattia

Jass:Kobe it's nothing if it was important you don't think one of us would've told you

Kobe: well it must be if Derek keeps trying to tell me and y'all won't let him

Derek:*Looks at mike and realizes he's really upset* It's nothing important i'm just still heated from fighting mattia that's it you know i'm extra sometimes

Kobe: fighting I thought it was a argument see there's something y'all aren't tell me just tell me what happened that's all I wanna know I promise I won't do anything

Mike:*looks at jass*

Jass:*Looks at derek*

Derek:*looks at vallyk*

Kobe: pls I promise I won't do anything on my dead grandma I won't

Jass texts kobe:Mattia raped mike this morning in the empty class room

Kobe: *looks up at mike about to cry* why wouldn't you tell me mike that's serious

Mike:because it isn't anything new to me

everyone except kobe: WHAT

Mike:long story tell y'all tomorrow

Kobe: *looks down* mike........can we go over there and talk privately pls

Mike:I don't think i really have a chose *gets up and goes with kobe*

Jass:Guys i'm scared what if kobe blows up at mike like he did his ex *looks worried*

Vallyk: he won't I promise you he's bettered himself since then trust me

Jass:You don't live with him....

*With kobe and mike *

Kobe: why didn't you just tell me mike I could of helped you my luv

Mike:Because what would that already happened and it's still going to happen and i'll just get bullied. it's hard enough being the new kid here

Kobe: baby look I'll find a way to get this all figured out *hugs mike*

Mike: Thank you

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