How Will The World Be Destroyed?

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The time of Revelation is upon us. One question remains...

Today I want to talk about how this world will be destroyed.


After Noah emerged from the ark, the Creator gave him this promise:

"Never again will life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth." Genesis 9 verse 11

As a symbol of this covenant the Creator gave the rainbow.

The question is now, if life is NOT going to be destroyed by another deluge, then how will it be?
We believe there is ONE word missing in the translation: alone. Life will not be destroyed by water ALONE, but by water and fire MIXED.


Have you heard about MUD VOLCANOES? Most probably not. Go and Google it.

We have talked about the fact that water levels are rising all over the world (in our previous article) and that it is coming from the underground reservoir that is imminent to become a water volcano. But that is just half of the story.

Furthermore, the Ring Of Fire that is becoming more active. Mud volcanoes are linked to the Ring Of Fire. Go and Google it.

I believe that when the water volcano erupt sometime in the future, the Ring Of Fire AND the mud volcanoes will ALL erupt in one massive explosion. This will cause water mixed with fire to rain down on the Earth and destroy ALL living organisms and prepare it for the next season of the Earth, the season of repair.

"The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea." Revelation 8 verse 7

A "huge mountain ablaze" is a typical description of a volcano exploding. Which one? Probably Yellowstone. If Yellowstone erupt fully like a few million years ago, it would blast lava off as far as the oceans. There are a few other super-volcanoes that could do the same. And the Ring Of Fire consists of MORE THAN 450 mostly active and handful inactive volcanoes. Imagine ALL of them plus the handful of super-volcanoes, the mud volcanoes AND the water volcano erupt AT THE SAME TIME! That is one super super super massive eruption of fire and water!

Furthermore, the Ring Of Fire is also the MOST ACTIVE earthquake zone. When the eruption are going to happen, Earth will be worse than a woman in her final labor pains!

What could happen if this all goes into overdrive? Go and Google it.

How could Yellowstone erupt and destroy life? Go and Google it.

What will happen if ALL super-volcanoes super-erupt? Go and Google it.

What other disasters can destroy the world? Go and Google it.


Are we ready for the end of the world or not? These events will happen AFTER the rapture and just before the Creator recreates heaven and earth...

If you want to watch this play out as part of God's plan for the world, the best place to be is at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Reproduced with permission. Also on our website (with links to related works from other sources).

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