~ If the brain load up with REVENGE, there is no way the HEART will listen people's cries and their emotions.
Evently this is implied on a boy, An INNOCENT boy faced miserable life caused by the MAFIA.
**Step into the story to read furth...
Casual day of early morning which Is starts with universal truth-'The Sun rises in East'.
It's been three hours when the sun rays make their ways into a big mansion as result the people in mansion woke up and been busy with their work after completing daily morning routine.
Name of mansion:-TECHPAIKHUN
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(Pic from pinterest)
Techapaikhun, the popular surname which is mostly heard from past 10yrs in Business circle in whole Bangkok city.
Techapaikhun co&Ltd, a well known company which Is growing continuously year by year by Lin thitipoom Techapikhun C.E.O of the company and also a very known person to public, he had high popularity among the public because of his simultaneously success in Business.
Kind, good and talent are the reasons behind of his success that's what people think and believe him. But right word to say that mr.techapaikhun made people to believe it, there is other side of him which don't know the world.
Forced contracts, illegal activities and dealings, uses of dangerous weapons, killing people who come his way, very selfish, will do any type cheap tricks to get laid of himself, easy manipulative, if simply say he is danger yet cruel person masked with good personality.
Underground Mafia is the place where people can see his true colors, there are many activities which he done illegally but no one try to interfere, no.of people which he played with their lives but no one dare to go against to him, even police can't do anything because of Political power which have from high commands.
He helped some political leaders by his mafia background to make his underground mafia potentially stronge which is now happened successfully, not even touch no one dare to spare single glance to his underworld kingdom
"He God and Devil of his underworld".
"Good morning sir," maid works in that big mansion bowed with respect to his owner aka mr.techapaikhun, but in return she recieved humming still his eyes on newspaper.
"Breakfast Is ready sir," again in return she received a nod from her owner, she was about to go kitchen because her work Completed that mentioning about breakfast to his owner but stopped in middle way when she heard call from mr.techapaikhun.
"Did my baby came down," still eyes on newspaper.
"You mean young master, sir" she asked mr.techapaikhun doubtfully.