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Dans POV
After we ate dinner Sam, Peony, and I played with Keiko-Chan. "Girls, it's time for bed!" Calls Jemma."OK get ready for bed." I say. "But Dad-i- I mean Dan..." Said Sam awww! She called me dad! "You can play with Keiko tomorrow." I say.

Time skip (Jemmas POV)
As soon as the girls went to sleep, I told Dan what were gonna do tomorrow. "Dan I'm taking Sam and peony (should I change that?)to the mall. They need new cloths." "Ok." Says Dan.

Another time skip (Sam's POV)
"Morning peony" I say. We went down and got our breakfast. Guess where were going!

Heyziez!!!! I'll update a SEMI LONG chapter tomorrow. OK? Until then, go read my random book called RANDOM THINGS IN MAH MINDDDDD if you wanna laugh.

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