I lay in my bed, watching my white ceiling, in silence
Watching the thoughts curving and beating,
And I become aware that, that's all I am
I am my thoughts,
I am my mind and my heart, without a body
I am what I make myself to be
I am me in the absence of a them,
I am them in the absence of a me
I translate and become foreign
A version of the sentence, in somebody else's tongue
One I can't understand but can recognize
And I go through the day and repeat it
I say it once, twice, a hundred times,
Until I have it memorized
Until it's embedded in my mind
And it becomes natural to say,
It becomes a part of me
And my thoughts become blurry with the language I once could speak,
And my mind becomes a roundabout street,
That keeps going on and on and on
So that they could understand when my mouth moves
With the sentence I have overused
But it's too late to learn another,
I don't need it to survive
Because once I am all alone
And my day is over
I lay in my bed, watching my white ceiling, in silence.
The Things I Never Got To Say
PoetryMy very own chaotic and inconsistent poems that help me get through life. Don't take me too seriously, I just have shit to say.