they did crack?!

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A/N: after almost a full year i'm updating again, comment if i should continue doing whatever the hell i've created.

gogy pov:

yesterday was, to put it simply, crack on crack. i'm sitting in my bed as i just awoke from my deep slumber. looking over to my bae george he starts meowing like a horse.

george pov:
half asleep i start meowing, but i slowly awaken as the blankets start to shift around me. bushing against my sensitive eyebrow i scream, "aHhHHhHhhH!" all of a sudden the blankets are ripped off me as gogy is now on the left side of the bed staring deep into my luxorious eyes. it startled me of course as he had only moments ago been on the right side shifting around peacefully in our bed covered in cheese.

-time skip bc i've forgotten how to write-

third person pov:

george and gogy are now cuddling on their deteriorating red leather couch. "hey bae?" gogy screeches. "yes my smexy shirtless bae?" george replied. "want some of my crack? i just picked it up from the local primary school, pretty fresh it must be if they have it. (everyone knows primary students get the best crack before the rest of the world does.)" gogy says with a breathy austrailian accent.

george pov:

did he just offer me some of the best crack in existence? i must be hearing things, is he talking about his crack ;), or my fav food ingredient? it wouldn't make much sense now would it, if he were offering me to share some of his scrumptious crack. so of course i said, "ofc daddy george, i'd love to share <3" "kelloggs frosted flakes are grrrrrreat! i'll go get a paper wendy's straw cut in half so we can snort it!" gogy replies to me.

part 2 coming soon baes <3
take care of yourselves and don't become a mattress!
mwah love you my sexies :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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