Chapter 1| Let life surprise you

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"Bang" satu tembakan meluru ke sasarannya.

"Bang" a shot rushed to its target.

"Jennifer Park, woah" kedengaran tepukan dari belakang membuatkan seorang penembak negara itu keluar dari landasan menembaknya.

"Jennifer Park, woah" came a clap from behind that made the country shooter go off her shooting line.

"Jennifer Park, woah" came a clap from behind that made the country shooter go off her shooting line

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Jennifer Park 19 years old

"Sunbaenim?" lontaran pertanyaan kekeliruan itu keluar daripada mulut gadis itu.

"Sunbaenim?" The confused question came out of the girl's mouth.

Mananya tidak terkejut apabila Jaehyun Jeong yang merupakan bekas penembak terhandal negara itu tiba-tiba muncul setelah dua tahun tiada khabar berita.

How can you not be surprised when Jaehyun Jeong, who is the country's former top shooter, suddenly appeared after two years of no news.

How can you not be surprised when Jaehyun Jeong, who is the country's former top shooter, suddenly appeared after two years of no news

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Jaehyun Jeong 25 years old

"Kamu semakin mahir Jen, aku bangga" kata-kata Jaehyun membuatkan gadis cuek itu tersenyum gembira dengan pujian itu.

"You're getting better Jen, I'm proud" Jaehyun's words made the cheeky girl smile happily at the compliment.

"Makasih bro, oh iya kamu buat ape datang sini?"melihat ke arah matanya lelaki itu menunggu jawapan.

"Thank you bro, oh yes, what are you doing here?" looking into the man's eyes waiting for an answer.

Belum sempat mendapatkan jawapan, coach Siwon Choi datang lalu menyuruh teamnya berkumpul.

Before she could get an answer, coach Siwon Choi came and told his team to gather.

Before she could get an answer, coach Siwon Choi came and told his team to gather

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