Chapter 12

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Inside smelled like perfume and cologne mix. It was overwhelming for Ike's nose. Everyone looked fancy. Like, what about this event is important for so many fancy people to come too?

Ike was looking around, seeing if he could find Luca. Shoto went to the bathroom at the moment. Ike places the champagne glass down on a table, before walking to search for Luca.

It was about 30 minutes now and no site of Luca, Ike was getting annoyed by now. Before, he spotted Luca talking to one of the guest. Ike straighten himself up, before walking towards Luca and a girl with long black hair. "Luca?" Ike spoke, trying to be polite but really wants to talk to this mafia.

Luca hummed, glancing at Ike with a smirk. He looked Ike up and down, before looking into his eyes. "Can we speak?" Ike ask, ignoring the glare from the girl with black hair. "Sure, what's up?" Luca spoke, also ignoring the girl who was clearly annoying him.

The girl just scuffed, crossing her arms before walking away. "Soo... what is this event exactly?" Ike asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Mmm, it's an event with every fancy mafia to come and enjoy...." Luca spoke, sitting down his wine glass on a table near him. He stepped closer and put his lips near Ike's ear. "But... I'm going to kill everyone in here..... except you and your friend of course" Luca spoke, smirking at the idea. Ike could feel his hot breath on his neck, making his face heat up.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He spoke, putting his arm over his mouth to cover his cheeks. "It wasn't my idea" Luca stated with a soft smirk.

Luca knew what he had to do, but that will either leave him dead or alive. He didn't invite Ike to kill him, so he could admire him. He was awfully hot right now, wearing his suit. Lucy came up behind Luca. "Everyone's here, so do what you have to now with your boyfriend" she whispers in Luca's ear with a smirk.

Luca rolled his eyes, before Lucy chuckled before walking away. He grabbed Ike's arm without question, heading towards the bathroom in this estate.

Heading inside the bathroom, before locking it.

He glances at Ike with a bright grin. "Hey, can I kiss you?" Luca asks, looking at Ike's reaction. Ike blushed bright red at the sudden question, heart beating rapidly. He still doesn't know his feelings and Luca just asked him that?

"Uhh..." Ike hummed, glancing at Luca, into his eyes. It was very vicious and intimidating, making Ike feel smaller then he was actually.

Luca stepped closer towards Ike, which automatically walked backwards, until his back was against the sink and Luca was close up.

Luca smirked, setting his hands on both sides of Ike. "Soo? Can I?" Luca asks. Ike heart was beating at the speed of light. Luca was to close to him. He took a shaky breath, before nodding slowly.

Luca tilted his head, sliding one hand on Ike's face. He put his lips up near Ike's ear, "calm down" he whispers, before glancing back into Ike eyes. As he slowly calms himself down.

Luca just stared at Ike, watching him trying to take control over his breathing. "Ready?" Luca whispers into Ike ear.

Ike nodded, watching Luca's every movement.

Luca slowly pressed his lip on Ike, looking into his eyes still. He softly kissed him, wanting him to be comfortable with him. As Ike kissed him back, Luca smirked into the kiss.

He made Ike put his arms hanging off his shoulders, deeply kissing him. You could just imagine the steam from how heated the kiss was getting every minute or so.

Luca grabbed Ike's waist, as he pulls Ike closer to him. Making their body's touching one another's, Ike connected his hands behind Luca.

Another 30 minutes passed, of just making out until Luca broke it for air. They both was breathing heavily. Luca pulled out his phone to check the time, before glancing at Ike. "I have to do the plan with my siblings now...." Luca states, a little bit upset about the situation.

"You should find your friend and... leave, I suppose.. if you don't want to get hurt" Luca stated, as Ike looked at him like he was dumb.

"You made out with me and now you want me to leave? Oh no... I'll help you with this plan sir" Ike spoke, still trying to catch his breath.

Luca chuckled, before kissing Ike one last time before he dragged him to where he and his siblings will speak to everyone at the event.

Ike then stop Luca, gaining his attention. "I should find my friend though..." Ike stated, Luca nodded before letting Ike's hand go. "Meet me on the stairs" Luca stated, before walking towards where he was going. Ike nodded, before going on the search for his friend.

Not even 20 minutes, he spotted a already drunk Shoto. He shake his head, walking up to Shoto before dragging him away from the people he was talking to. "Hey! I was busy!" He stated, pouting like a little kid. Ike rolled his eyes, before heading outside of the estate.

He unlocked his car, before sliding Shoto inside. "Where you going?" Shoto spoke with frowned eyebrows. "I'll be back.. just stay in here and don't move" Ike stated, shutting the door and then locking it back up.

He slides his keys back into his back pocket, before headed back inside the estate.

He headed towards th staircase, walking upstairs. He spotted Luca talking to some guys, but Ike walked towards Luca anyways. "I'm back" Ike commented, as Luca glanced at Ike with a smirk.

"Okay, let's go" Luca spoke, grabbing Ike's hand, then leading him in the back of the upstairs hall. He opened the door to a room, revealing Ike supposed his siblings and parents with guns hanging on the walls everywhere.

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