𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

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"Damn. You got yourself an office" Jaehyun enters Jaemin's office, shutting the door behind him. "hyung, join my team" Jaemin said, straightforwardly. "Team? Bro, I'm under emergency room. On trauma patients. I can't stood that up and join the VIP sections" Jaehyun face him. "Please" He pleads. "Is it urgent?"

"Not really. But I need a surgeon that has wide knowledge to bones. That's you" He grin. "I mean, not everyday in the VIP section a patient will come with a problem on their bone." Jaehyun cross his arms. "Exactly. You can still prioritize the ER" Jaemin nods. "Fine. Count me in"

Sulwon's heels click as she walk in the hallway of the hospital. Her bag on her hand as she observe the surrounding trying to look for that certain person she came for. "Excuse me" She calls. "Hi, how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asks. "I'm looking for Doctor Na. He arrive this morning" She replied. "Who are they?"

"Ring him up for me."

"Please state who you are, we can't let visitors in the surgeons office" The lady insists. "What's happening here?" Sulwon turn her head at the familiar voice. "Shiwon" She calls. "Sulwon, what are you doing?" The male replied. "I'll take care of her. Sulwon, let's go" She nods following the older.

"What brings you here?" Shiwon ask sliding his card on the door which opens right away. Sulwon step in with the older. "I came to meet someone" She answer. "Jeno?" Shiwon ask away. "No, my boyfriend. Do you know where his office is? You're probably calling him Dr. Na" She sighs taking out her phone to contact Jaemin when the male present himself with his brother beside him.

"Sulwon" Jaemin approach her. "Let's go. I just received your message" Jaemin adds, not giving Shiwon's presence a look. "I'm going, Shiwon. See you ar-" She did not get to finish when Jaemin grasp ahold of her arm pulling her with him. She immediately move her foot along the male who push a glass door open.

"How did you know Dr. Song?"

The male face her with a furious face. His brows furrowing and hand resting on both sides of his waist. "Well, he's friends with Jeno since middle school" She shrug looking around the room. "Look at me when I'm talking to you" Jaemin warns. "What? What are you so press for?" She face the male again.

"I don't like him, don't talk to him"

"I don't even like Shiwon romantically, stop it. Did you decorate your office your own?" She swiftly change the subject. Jaemin sighs pulling her and making her sit on his swivel chair. The male lean closer to her, hands stabilizing on the headrest to hold his weight. "You want to see something romantically?" The male whispers. "Hey, I came here to check up on you, why are you getting mad?"

"From now on, you have to text me first before coming here" Jaemin stood straight, crossing his arms. "What?! What if I'm in an accident? Should I call you before I die, then?" Sulwon claims, standing tall in front of him. "Stop setting my rage on fire. I don't like it. I'll lose control" He warns, staring deeply onto the woman's orbs. "Sulwon, I've change. I get jealous fast because I love you and....I'm not the same Jaemin you know 5 years ago"

"I can do this now"

Jaemin immediately hold the females waist, setting Sulwon on his empty table. He was fast to stood still in between Sulwon's thighs. His strong arms circle around the female as he stare at the woman's flush face. "I can please you at night. I will make sure to do it daily" He deeply speaks. "Well, I really came here to interview someone. I thought I should swing by first" Sulwon look away, biting her lower lips.

"Stop biting your lips"


"It's sending temptation towards me."

"Then, do me. Kiss me" Sulwon look up on him. "No. I don't want to do it here. We're professionals, we should act like a professional. I don't want to have an intimacy in here. Specially with you" Jaemin step away. "Why do you keep rejecting me? Even last night! I was seducing you but you just went straight to sleep. What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you that you don't feel the urge to have a session?"

"You said you're tired. I understand that but today, you can kiss me. You have my consent and you're my boyfriend. What kind of boyfriend don't kiss their gi-" Sulwon's voice came muffled as a pair of lips lands on her. Although she was shook by the sudden contact, the aggressiveness Jaemin is giving her sends thousands of butterflies churning in her stomach.

The kiss was aggressive and fast. She was struggling to keep up with the male's pace but she eventually give in to the male. Letting him take over her. Jaemin's hand were holding her cheeks and another on the back of her head as he close his eyes, lips not leaving hers. His soft and plump lips seems like a new feeling to her, although this is not the first time they kissed.

"Don't try me. I respect you, I don't want to do you in inappropriate place" Jaemin broke the kiss but eventually leave a peck on the woman's neck. "I booked a hotel later. Meet me at 10pm" Jaemin snatch the woman's phone, sending the proof of permission to her so she can enter the suit first. "1..10 pm?"

"Why? Nervous? You said we're adults and you're ready. Be ready then"

Jaemin kept his eyes on his phone, taking note of the woman's eyes that's not looking at him. Probably flush by his statement. "I...are you serious?" Sulwon asks away. "Yes, I won't spend money on a hotel if I'm not serious. Plus, that suit is expensive as fuck. You better not stood me up" Jaemin throw his phone in his pocket before handing the device to its owner. "Also, Sulwon" He calls. "You have high stamina right?"

"I guess? Why'd you ask?"

"I have loads of energy today. I'm expecting a lot"

Sulwon tap her foot nonstop, trembling at the thought of sharing her first night with Jaemin. The Jaemin she knew was a whole serious person. She did not expect the male to really book a room for them to do their business. Is it weird if she'll say she's excited and nervous at the same time?

10pm hit the clock. Sulwon kept her eyes on the clock inside her car. Sighing, she grab her handbag exiting her car. She shut the door close walking in the building. "Shit" She mumbles as the interior welcomes her. Just the interior itself, it screams elegance and....sexual intimacy. It's clear to her that most of the customers are here for a session.

"Excuse me..." She almost whispers but the lady somehow heard her. "Yes, ma'am. How can I help you?" The lady formally asks. "Uhm, my boyfriend book a room. He sent me this code" She showed the QR code Jaemin has given her. "Oh right. Just a minute" The lady grab a device scanning the picture on hers.

"Here's your key card, ma'am. Your room will be 6970" She thanked the lady walking over to the lift. Although the pounding on her heart never stops, she press the button to get the lift. It doesn't took long before the door slides open so she went in pressing the 16th floor.

15..16. And the door opens. Sulwon walk out, her heels clicking as she approach the back door. She stood still, debating whether to really go or not. Her shaking hand approach the censor, the door made a sound and it's unlock.

"He's not here?" She mumbles throwing her bag on the couch, and slipping off her shoes.

Jaemin sat across Jeno, who seems to be unaware of what he know. Specially the part that he's backstabbing Jaemin for so long. "Join my team" Jaemin speaks. "Your team? Why?" Jeno ask, eyes set on the computer. "Look at me, this is serious"

"What is it?"

"Join my team and be my first. You see, I already got an anesthesiologist, a nurse and another surgeon. A first, I need you" He chants. "Why me? There are loads of surgeon there" Jeno finally look at him. "I trust you"

"You do? Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, despite the fact that I don't know what kind of dirty business you'll do around me, I still trust you. Even if I know you'll eventually try to mess shit up. But I know, you won't go low. Specially if we're in the operation room." Jaemin cross his arms. "Na Jaemin, do you even know what you're saying? I don't have a single record of operating on someone. People won't let me in the OR and you'll get me? Tell me, why?!"

"You're smart. That's it. Nothing else"

𝖧𝗈𝗆𝖾 (𝖭𝖺 𝖩𝖺𝖾𝗆𝗂𝗇) Where stories live. Discover now