Chapter 7

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Duncan took a step away from Courtney. He cleared his throat, making eye contact with her. Her eyes were gleaming with worry. "I wasn't expecting to run into you like that," he mumbled. Duncan almost felt bad because of how scared she looked. He almost said sorry again. But Duncan never said sorry. "I have your purse." He finally held it up to her as if it wasn't already obvious that he had it. Courtney gently took it from his human hands.

"Thank you," she said quietly. Her face was riddled with shock. "How did you find it?"

Duncan shrugged. "I was going to take an Uber to the club and there was a purse in the back seat. The driver didn't even know or remember who he drove beforehand."

"So you looked through my purse?" Courtney accused. She immediately felt offended. "You didn't tell him?"

"I got it back to you, didn't I?" Duncan retorted. Then he punched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Wow, I try to do the right thing and you yell at me."

Courtney did not even hear him. She had unzipped her purse and was rummaging through it. "Did you steal anything?" She pulled out her wallet and opened it. Her money was still there. Her Polaroid picture of herself and Scott was still there.

"Of course I didn't steal anything," Duncan said. Then his eyebrows furrowed. "I try to do the right fucking thing and you ask me if I stole anything? Are you kidding me?"

Courtney was shocked by his language and sudden anger. Not knowing how to respond, she just put her wallet back into her purse and zipped it back up. She was still avoiding Duncan's gaze.

"If you're still so mad at me about killing Scott then get over it. I brought him back from you. I've granted your wishes. I even went out of my way to get your purse back to you. And I don't normally do nice things when I don't have to. And you treat me like this?" Duncan ranted.

Courtney didn't have a chance to respond before he kept going.

"I've done nothing but try to be nice to you and try to give you advice but you treat me like shit." Duncan yelled. He stepped away and gave Courtney a sideways glance. "Just when I thought you might have been different, you turn out to be like everyone else I have ever met. A judgemental, stuck up..." He put his hands on his head and started pulling his neon green hair. But then he whipped back around and stuck a finger in Courtney's face.

"I have been trying to do the right thing for you. I feel bad that I killed Scott, alright? But he is back. What the hell do you want me to do to make it up for you?" He threw his hands into the air. "Actually, don't answer that. I'm done with this. Give me your last wish so I can leave. I am done."

Courtney was standing with her jaw nearly hitting the ground - at least that's what it felt like. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. She did not know what to say. The snow from the blizzard was collecting in her hair as she stood and desperately tried to think of a response.

"I'm sorry."

So Courtney would be the one apologizing - just what Duncan wanted. Duncan never apologized, even when he was in the wrong. And he wasn't.

"Please, Courtney, just give me your last wish," Duncan pleaded. "Please."

"I don't know what I want it to be. I want to use it wisely." Courtney admitted.

Duncan rolled his eyes. "You have until tonight. You're so welcome for bringing your purse back." He grunted. He gave her one last furious look before walking down the stairs and to the sidewalk. Courtney stood there and watched him go until he was out of sight. Her purse she once thought was lost forever was in her trembling hands.

four wishes - duncney (REWRITTEN) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now