Forks, Washington

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By the time the plane landed Bella had fallen asleep leaving me to wake her up. "Bella wake up, we're here. Don't make me slap you, me and you both know I'll do it." I whispered in her ear while shaking her aggressively. She shot up out of her seat instantly, making me giggle at her sudden alertness all because of one comment.

We walked off the plane, thankful to be off after the long ride here. We walked to the baggage claim and I noticed Bellas nervous look. "hey it's all gonna be okay I know you're nervous and don't really want to be here but just remember that you have me and my awesomeness." I smirked while doing a dramatic hair flip.

Bella just rolled her eyes but I saw a small smile creep it's way onto her lips, but it disappeared immediately after seeing Charlie.

I abandoned my bags and ran to my dad " Daddy!" I yelled while running into his arms "Hey sweetie, wow you haven't grown an inch! You're still your short self but with really long hair" he replied while laughing at my unchanged height.

Bella walked over with mine and her bags while looking more awkward than she normally does. "Uh I hope you two don't mind but I brought the cruiser with so let's get on the road girls."

Me and Bella instantly looked at each other, her silently pleading with me to take the backseat and I folded knowing how anxious she was.

"Your hairs longer." Dad said while looking at Bella, "I've cut it since the last time I saw you." She said while looking out the window. "Oh guess it's grown out again"

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes and decided to break the awkward silence that filled the car. "So dad I see you're still as terrible at driving as before which is a shock for someone who's a cop. I guess it comes with being an old man."

Dad started chuckling up in the front seat "Well sweetie that just means you're gonna suck just as much as me, maybe even worse when you get to be my age." I scoffed and said " Yea right I'm an excellent driver."

The rest of the ride was completely silent as I sat there watching the scenery and all the townsfolk rudely staring at us.

'Mind your business, like do you not have lives of your own??' I thought to myself as I turned my attention to the front of the car just as we pulled up to our house.

It was a cute two story white house, nothing special but it was still home. Dad insisted on carrying mine and Bella's bags in but I knew that he'd fall straight on his ass if he carried all six so I helped him out a bit.

We walked through the door and me and Bella just stood there waiting for dad to tell us where to go. "Anya your room is the furthest one on the right and I made room for both of you in the bathroom." Dad said while looking straight at me. "Right only one bathroom I forgot." Bella awkwardly said while looking down.

I rolled my eyes at her and cheerfully replied "Thanks dad! It better be the way I left it!" He started laughing and made sure to reassure me that he didn't touch it since I last visited two summers ago.

While dad was helping Bella to her room I walked up to mine with my bags and saw that it was all the same. It had light grey painted walls, a queen size bed on the wall with a window on the wall that you see when you first enter the room, a dream catcher above the bed that had black silk sheets and pillowcases.

The room had plants all throughout it and a small bookshelf with some of my favorites. It also contained a small shelf with music and a speaker since I love music.

In front of the window was a view of the woods and a tree to the left of the window that was close enough to climb onto if you wanted. Perfect for sneaking out.

I started to unpack my stuff when I suddenly heard a loud car horn. Me and Bella both ran into the hall at the same time and looked out the window together sharing odd looks.

"Girls come outside there's some people I want you to see!" We heard dad yell from downstairs. Bella looked at me nervously while I just shrugged my shoulders.

We walked outside and saw Billy Black with a teenage boy with long brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes. I instantly ran up to Billy, "Oh my god Billy!" "Hey ya greenie how've you been?" Billy asked squeezing me tightly while I smiled at the old nickname he gave me because of my eyes "I've been pretty good, you look amazing!" "Yeah I'm still dancing you know me."

Bella walked over to us and nodded at Billy. "I'm glad you two are here, Charlie here hasn't shut up since he heard you two were coming." Billy joked while laughing at dad. "Oh yea watch it or I'm gonna wheel you in the mud!" "Not before I ram you in the ankle!" Dad and Billy started joking around before the teenage boy walked over to me and Bella.

"Hey I'm Jacob we used to make mud pies together when we were little." " yea yea I remember" Bella responded while I just stood there with my jaw dropped.

I started walking closer, examining the boy in front of me closely, not believing him until I looked into his familiar chocolate brown eyes, "Oh. My. God. Jake is it really you?" I asked still in shock.

"Wow I'm offended you didn't recognize me Anya." Jacob said while feigning hurt. I squealed and ran into his arms, he picked me up and twirled me around making me giggle.

Bella stood there awkwardly before dad cleared his throat. "Mhm so what do you think?" "Of what?" Bella asked confused. Dad pointed to a rusty old red truck and said "It's a homecoming gift for you guys."

"Wait the truck is ours? Are you serious?" Bella said with tons of shock and excitement while I just stood there knowing she would make it seem like it was only hers and rarely let me use it.

Me and Bella have never been that close even with the fact of us being twins. "Yep just bought it off Billy here." Dad said enjoying Bella's happiness so much that he forgot about me.

Jake walked up to Bella as she accidentally hit him with the door and explained how he rebuilt the engine and explaining how to drive it. They both instantly took it for a test drive and completely forgetting about me.

I always knew he had a crush on her but I didn't think it'd be that easy for him to remember that he liked her more. I headed inside knowing that my day was already ruined.

I spent the rest of my day unpacking and then after finally finishing that I decided I would start to read. Bella never once came into my room or tried to talk to me and I tried to ignore the hurt that I already felt but it was kind of hard.

I thought that things would change but so far they were the same as they were in Arizona. I shook my head and told myself that tomorrow was going to be better.

Around 8pm dad knocked on the door before walking in, "Hey sweetie I just wanted to say goodnight and to remind you that you're starting school tomorrow at the local Highschool with Bella."

"Okay dad sounds good, goodnight love you." He repeated what I said then closed the door before walking out.

I put on a pair of grey pj shorts and an oversized blue t-shirt, after washing my face and setting alarms. I reminded myself that tomorrow would be better until I fell asleep.

Sense of Belonging ( Paul Lahote LS)Where stories live. Discover now