Pt 13 a tribute to techno

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"Hey techno you doing alright?"
  " yes I am okay y/n, I'll be alright."
  " you sure, im going to really miss you."
  " no you'll be okay, the house is just a town over, no less than an hour away okay, I'll be fine over there. Just hit dream more, for me okay."
  " I will techno. Promise." I tear drips down my cheek.
  " Oh my god, don't cry. Come here."
He pulls me in for a hug, I cried into his sweatshirt.
  " I'm gonna miss you a lot techno."
  " ill visit you in your dreams." He laughs. That's what I said when I had moved to the UK. " I love you man."
  " love you too." I say through my tears.
" okay techno, your all packed you ready to go." Phil said
  " yeah Phil. I'm ready." He wiped a tear off his cheek he thought I wouldn't notice.
  We all were gathered around the door with techno and Phil in front of all of us.
  " So long nerds." He said waving goodbye. Me and Tommy both ran out the door to give him one last hug .
  " I'm gonna miss you man." Tommy said.
  " love you techno." I said.
  " man you guys suck now I'm actually crying, I'm gonna miss you guys too." We let go of our hug and Will, Tubbo, and dream came out. And techno got in the truck along with Phil. I turn around land into Wilbur's arms. He hugged back.

Technoblade 1999-2022

A/n: I've watched techno since his potato farm exploration, he has been a huge step to my streaming.
  He will be missed rest in peace techno ❤️❤️

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