Alayna the Psycho Bitch

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I kick alayna's side.
"Karmas a bitch, and Karma likes cheaters their her easiest prey"
I knell infront of her and she coughs up some more blood.
"Why, i did so much for you"
"Oo go on i wanna hear what you did for me"
"I killed him for you, i killed her for you, i killed them all for you!!"
"I wouldnt shout, you might loose some more blood, and you did that on you own will, i didnt ask you to"
"You said you wanted them dead" she spits blood on my face
"I didnt mean literally, you dumb bitch and actually most of the people you killed were my friends"
"They were in the way"
"In the way of what, in the way of what Alayna!"
She goes to sit up to look me in the eye but i stand up and push her down.
"In the way of our relationship"
"Alayna for the last fucking time, they had no interest in me for fucks sake"
I turn round and rest my face in my hands.
"Zoe wanted you, Alex wanted you and William-"
"For fuck sakes Alayna, they had no FUCKING interest in me, they were my fucking friends" i started crying
I turned to look at her.
"Was it all worth it in the end, for you, was it all worth it to see me cry over something you did"
"Well if i have you then yeah"
"I regret even looking at you, you know our relationship was all a mistake"
Alayna got up extremely quickly and ran up to me pinning me to the ground with a knife to my neck.
"You psycho bitch, in the end your not gonna have me if you kill me"
"Yeah but it also means no one else can have you" she says with a psychotic smile on her face
"Yes sweetheart"
"Stop with this crazy shit, losing me is not gonna kill you, you will find someone so much better than me"
She didnt care, nothing that i said went through her head.
"But i wont have you?" She whined
I kicked Alayna off of me dodging the knife.
I got up as quickly as i could and i punched her in the stomach making her double down and cough up blood, i kicked her shins making her sink to the floor. She was on the floor now.
"Why the fuck are you so obsessed with me"
"I dont know, i just am" she smiles at me
"Now dont give me that bullshit Alayna, if you loved me you wouldnt have killed all those people, they didn't deserve to be killed Alayna, Alayna do you fucking hear me!"
"But Josh"
"I wanted you and nothing else and if someone or something gets in the way im gonna kill it" she slowly starts getting back up but i kick her in the gut.
"Alayna! They weren't in the fucking way, your craziness is in the way, if you weren't so fucking crazy we wouldn't be here"
Alayna looks at me with a face of realization.
"But Josh-"
"Alayna shut up!"
"Josh its my job to do this"
"What do you mean"
"Its my job to find a target and kill all of the people in their life"
"So your like a hitman?"
"No Josh, im a Fallen Angel, this is my job so that i can get back into hell with my family"
"So thats what it all is, so you wanna ruin my life so you can fix yours"
She wipes off some of her wet tears off most of her tears dried by now.
"Josh, thats the thing i dont know if i want to go back, cause ive found my new home, and thats with you"
"Cut the shit Alayna, i dont feel any pity for you, why the fuck"
"I love you Josh, i didnt know that till now, i want to be with you till i have to go back"
"You dont love me, you just nearly killed me"
"Josh listen to me" fresh tears were forming in her eyes and slowly falling down her pale pink cheeks.
"Why the fuck should i listen to you when you killed about 333 people a good percentage of them were friends of mine, some people i was related to, Alayna you killed people i loved" new tears were now forming in my eyes.
"Josh do you know what 333 means in angel numbers for love?"
"What does it Mean?"
"Its an approval of the current relationship you in, saying you've meet your soulmate"
I was terrified.
I didnt want her to be the love of my life, this isnt what i wanted.
"Im sorry Josh-"
"You've got to be kidding me Alayna, im only 17"
"So am i, some people crave to find their soulmate at this age your just lucky"
"No im not, my soulmate if a killer thats originally been dead"
"I know im dead Josh, but-"
"Im not gonna date a dead person fuck off"
"No Alayna, go back up there" i point up, and Alayna follows my arm and looks up and then looks back at me and starts tearing up.
"Bye Alayna"
I walk out of the building, as soon as im out of the building i start off with a sprint and i run till i cant run anymore while the tears were rapidly falling, i wanted to get away as far as possible, my soulmate had to be her out of everyone, shes not even real, shes dead, she killed so much people.
I trip over and land on the dirt ground, i start slamming my fist into the ground in frustration. "Why the fuck did it have to be her, shit shit shit shit" i yell as a get myself back on my feet.
This isnt what i wanted, i wanted to have a normal teenage life, but that obviously wasnt an option when she came into my life.
The normalness is now gone...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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