The Abduction of the People In White

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"Hey Chris" Chris turns around to face his father. His dad throws him the keys to a Hundai Touson, "Have fun tonight on your date."

"Thanks dad." Chris opens the front door and walks out of the house. As he is walking to the driveway, he sees a white van with no windows, with only a picture of a radiation symbol on the side, driving past his house very slowly. Chris looks up at the front door and sees the little camera. The white van then passes his house and speeds up. Chris shruggs and walks over  to the Black 2008 Touson sitting in the driveway. He unlocks the car, gets in, starts up the car, and drives out of the driveway, and down Maple Ave., the street he lived in. Once he stoppes at the stop sigh at the corner of Wright Ave. and Maple Ave., he sees the same white van that passd his house 2 minutes ago behind him.

"Lets turn on the radio." Chris says to himself. He turns on Rock 107. The song The Tria;l by Pink Floyd  comes on. He starts singing.

"Good morning the Wourm yourhonour. The crowd will plainly show the prisoner who now stands before you, was caught red-handed showing feeling. Showing feelings of an almost human nature. This will not do. Call the Schoolmaster! I wish..." he stoppes singing and turns his car of. He steps out of the car and walks up to a purple colored house. He rings the doorbell.

"Come in." a female voice shouted from inside the house. Chris walks inside the house. He wiped of his feet on the rug by the door, admiring this house. He was in a parlor. He looked around the room. First he started looking at the floating staircase with a chandiler above it. Then he turned his head over to the cherry-stained Grand piano with a glass vase on top of it filled with roses.

"Where are you?" Chris askes.

"In the living room." the lady said. Chris turns through the left and walks through the white-painted French doors. He sees his girlfriend, sitting on the couch with a turquoise tank top on, with tight, black leather pants on with high, black boots. He walked over to his girlfriend, and they kissed. Chris put his toungue in his girlfried's mouth, and she did the same. All of a sudden Chris's girlfriend's mother walks in.

"Chrs and Amanda!" Amanda's mom exclaimed.

"Oh sorry, Mrs. Smith." Chris replied.

"It's fine. Adam you're lucky. If Amanda's dad saw that, he would bring out the rifle." Chris got very worried.

"W-we sh-should go." Chris and Amandas walk out of her home and to the Touson. Once they got in,  Chris started driving to the local movie theatre. He put on Rock 107 and the song Boheamian Rhapsody was on.

"Omg I love this song!" exclaimed Amanda.

"Same." Chris said. He turned up the volume of the radio and started singing "So you think youi can stone me and spit in my eyes? So you think you can love me and leave me to die?" All of a sudden a white van hit Chris's car. The white van backed up and sped away.

"What the hell was that all about?" Amanda asked.

"I have no clue., but that white van has been like following me this whole time."

"Well maybe we should go to the police."

"No. I am taking you to the movies, then I have a suprise for you."

"And what is the suprise?" Amanda asked, blushing.

"Can't tell you." Chris laughed after he said this.

"Dammit!" Amanda exclaimed.

10 minutes later they were at the movie theatre. Chris turned th car off, and went over to Amanda's door so he can open it for her.

"Well thank you, Chris."

"No problem, beautiful.

'"Amanda blushed when Chris said this to her. He then locked his car, and they walked into the movioe theatre.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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