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The morning was chaotic for me. Oh who am I kidding, the first day of school was always chaotic. I had been trying to get my sleep schedule back into its normal state, but I think it had been wrecked beyond repair.

I had spent my whole holidays with myself sleeping during the day, and then doing shit in the night.

You could literally call me nocturnal.

I guess I was lucky I had nothing planned for the summer break. I had little to no friends who would bother to hang out with me, meaning I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.

Which was often binge watching TV shows or marathon video games for hours at a time.

But enough about my boring ass holiday. Let's talk about what was happening now.

What was happening now? Well I was sitting on the bus, my headphones in and looking out the window.

Occasionally the bus would stop for other students, which I would greet with a wave or a 'hey'. But then a new kid walked on.

He had his backpack straps firmly grasped between his fingers, and he looked rather nervous. His messy black hair was pointing out everything way, and his dark green eyes were flickering all about the bus.

He looked at me, and I just stared at him. His body lurched forward as the bus started again, and his face contorted into one of surprise. I smirked slightly and I moved over to the window seat. I looked back at him (fortunately he was still staring at me) and patted the seat next to me, seeing as it was one of the only spots in the bus that hadn't been 'claimed'.

A wave of relief washed over his face as he quickly made his way over to my seat.

He mumbled a quiet thank you, and took his back pack off. We then sat in silence for the rest of the ride.

Time skip:

After the bus ride, we got off at the stop. I was going to ask if he needed help getting to the front office but he was already gone.

I just sighed and walked to my homeroom, in which the roll was being called.

Eventually the door creaked open slightly and the boy slipped in. He was in my classes too? Hm.

I was trying to get his attention by waving slightly in his direction but he was nOT PAYING ATTENTION AT ALL.

The roll was still being called however, and he was just in time for his name.

"Jake English,"

"Present," he said clearly. Holy fuck he had a killer accent, how did I not notice that before? Hm, well all he did was whisper. His name was strange too, Jake English. Hm.

"Ok, you can go off to whatever you have first period. I think it's maths today.. But I don't know, nor care. Why are you still here, go to your class!" The teacher yelled, gradually getting louder with every word.

"Chill," I whispered to myself, because he was really loud and that was honestly not needed. I think his name was Mr Cosby, I hadn't had him before.

I turned to look at Jake, but he had already disappeared.

Fuck he was a slippery eel.

Time skip:

I had made my way to maths, and Jake was of course already there. He was not sitting near me, which was a bummer. Well I could sit near hi-

Nope that spot was now taken, fucking hell.

Wait what about the one behin-

In fron-

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