Opinion 16

61 0 5

Credits to mortemblade for this amazing opinion!

She says that Austin has the prettiest voice in HF. Keep in mind, neither mortemblade nor myself are not trying to knock the others. Each of the guys have their own things that make their voices unique to him.

Rob has an extremely smooth and soulful voice.

Tim is an extremely powerful singer with a ton of control over his entire vocal range.

Chance has a voice that can just make you melt in a matter of minutes.

And Adam Rupp has a very underutilized tenor voice that is just so dreamy!

But, there's always been something about Austin's voice that I always liked a bit better than everyone else. I don't know what makes me like Austin’s voice so much but it's just so pretty! And I am not really going to say anything else about this opinion because not only can I not think of anything else to say about this but if I did have something else to say, I know damn well I would piss somebody off. And ya girl don't want to do that 😅. So yeah, I'm just gonna stop talking and I'll see you with another entry which actually be tomorrow's update.

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