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Twenty meters away from the docks was an inn, it was moderately large with ivy vines clawing down the left side of the inn's wall. Its walls were painted in orange, and the four windows in front of the inn were opened widely to invite the humid air of the Smeraldo sea. The sign on top of the inn reads "The Sparrow's Nest" which the locals were familiar with as "The Kim's inn". The inn was packed full and busy with the sailors active around this time of the year, the rowdy bunch of sailors was sitting on the bar stools where Fiorello's father attended the barrage of orders from Booze, Ale, and Gin.

The other half of the sailors were sprawled out around the inn, all the seats were taken and full, and some of the sailors who arrived late looked for a way to sit in, which was hilarious in Fiorello's eyes, as some of them sat on top of the tables, some were leaning on the walls of the inn, and some were sitting on the pool tables. It was common sight every summer, so Fiorello paid no heed to whatever the sailors were doing as long as no fights break out everything is fine.

Fiorello was on his way to deliver five pints of ale and 2 plates of baked potatoes when his mother bellowed at him.

"Fiorello! Make haste! Can you please clean this table here?" Fiorello's mother waved over him, she was on the second level of the inn leaning over the railings of the terrace. "Thank you, dear!"

"Yes, Mama! Just for a minute!" Fiorello bellowed back and quickly passed through an encirclement of sailors who were watching a heated poker game.

Fiorello arrived at the table and swiftly distributed the 5 pints of alcohol among the table's occupants. He then slide the plates of baked potatoes onto the table and looked up to see Mr.Park, Mr.Lee, Mr.Sim, and Old Man Bruce downing their pints of alcohol. He just stood there waiting for the occupants to finish drinking. Old Man Bruce was the first one to finish downing his alcohol he loudly slammed the glass pint on the wooden table.


"Yeh, wimps! I finished first! Yeh're all righ' aren't cha?" Old Man Bruce wiped the excess alcohol on his lips and beard with his sleeve.

Old Man Bruce, the only worker on the town's lighthouse, was already 80 years old but is still able and energetic as ever, he's even drinking booze every day either in Kim's inn or his metal canteen. He's always wearing polo shirts in a chequered pattern and a poncho (Weird in Fiorello's opinion, who wears a poncho in broad daylight?), and his white beard makes him look like Santa Claus. Fiorello isn't scared of him, he's amicable and minds his own business, just his black mutt scares him, it was bigger than the average mutt, and it barks at him every time.

"No one here can beat you, Bruce!" Mr.Sim replied, he burped quietly, his body shook slightly. "You're always drinking every day!"

"I bet my pinnace that his body is made of alcohol!" Mr.Lee laughed.

"We should open him up then, I'd want the pinnace by tomorrow" Mr.Park suggested, as he pointed at Old Man Bruce.

"Oh! Bellissimo! Yeh here!" Old Man Bruce called. Fiorello just gave him a small grin. "What Yeh wan'?"

"Oh." Fiorello dumbly replied. "Uhm, just wanna check if the order I've brought is correct?"

Mr.Sim looked over at the table and gave him a thumbs up. "Yes, perfectly correct!"

"Bellissimo." Mr.Lee called, and Fiorello turned to him. "You're perfect for my son-"

"You fucker!" Mr.Park slapped Mr.Lee behind his head. "You're making Bellissimo uncomfortable!"

Fiorello just stood there, dazed and dumbfounded. He can't process Mr.Lee's words, so he just gave a half-baked smile.

"I mean! Look!" Mr.Lee insisted "He's beautiful which fits with my son's looks! He's kind and wise, a perfect match! You have my blessed, boy!"

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