Are You Gay? - Youth Conference

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Story Time!!

Once, I went to a Youth Conference in Washington. It was a church youth conference with meditation, small groups, beautiful views, and very good food.

I was nervous, and understandably so. My anxiety usually precedes any religious or church activity. I will not go into too much detail here, but I do not have the best relationship with the church. I should not have to fight my own feelings, identity, or tendencies for the sake of others who claim to be "helpful" or "saving," when those same people cause so much pain, worry, confusion, and destruction.

On a lighter note, I was particularly excited to go to Washington, and possibly meet new people!

Realizing that I would be at a church camp, I reluctantly toned down my gayness. I didn't bring any chunky jewelry, I parted my hair to cover the undercut, and I DEFINITELY did not bring my sketchbook. I felt so bare without my hip chains, but it was fine. It. Was. FINE.

(I did sneak in some dangly moon earrings, because gosh darn it they're so pretty it hurts.)

After an incredibly long bus ride, we finally arrived at the hotel. I was staying in a hotel room with 3 other gals who we'll call Angelica, Christine, and Heather. (Random names, idk.)

I will remember this night for a very long time because my roommates and I talked about anything and everything without judgement or fear of repercussions. It was incredibly healing, and sharply contrasted the conversations in my own home. We did not talk just about social issues, but about our own problems and lives. All of this while making shadow puppets on the ceiling!

Towards the intermediate of our conversation, Angelica speaks up and says, "Hey Kelly, are you, like, gay? Or bi or something?"

My heart stopped. How did she figure it out? My disguise...was feeble. I brushed my belt loops to see if my hip-chain was there...but to no avail. How did I give it away??

With trepidation, I spoke monotonously, "Yes, I identify as pansexual. But honestly, I'm not entirely a fan of labels."

Now, at a church camp I expected an entirely different response. I anticipated rejection, being hauled down to the hotel chapel, or asked to sleep in the closet again.

However, my friends simply accepted this fact, discussed it with me respectfully and genuinely, and moved on. This is an incredibly valuable friendship that I intend to cherish.

We stayed up until 3 AM, and I try to keep in contact.

(And that's the story of how I met my best friend, lol.)

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