Chapter Two

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September 9th, 2011. I didn't go to school that day because of my leg. So there really isn't much for me to tell you.

I slept.

I did homework.

I ate.

I read books.

That's it.


September 10th-11th, 2011. Weekend; boring.


September 12th, 2011. I encountered the mystery boy for the second time, just not in the way one would hope.

I walked down the hallway heading towards my Stats & Prob class, (I was smart enough to get into a higher math class than Pre-Calc) pushing my bangs over to cover my eye so I wouldn't see people staring at me. I looked down and stared at my feet. I always did this, never ran into anybody. Mainly because people avoided the master of faggotry. But today, apparently, people decided to get in my way.

I walked straight into Jace and his posse. Or rather, they walked into me. Lovely. "Watch where the fuck you're going, cocksucker." One of them sneered. I tried to push past them, but Jace shoved me back.

"Where do you think you're going, Jude?" He got all up in my face and grinned devilishly.

Fight or flight moment. I spun around and started running down the hall, adrenaline soaring through my body. I couldn't stop running even while my calves burned and my body shook. People ducked out of the way of me, startled. I kept running and running and running until I was closing in a boy and I wanted to scream for him to move but my mouth was involuntarily clenched shut. The boy whipped around at the last second and a look of pure terror sprawled across my face as I realized who it was.

I crashed into my mystery boy and knocked us to the ground. I was on top of him and my face was flustering from embarrassment. I thought about kissing him; I thought about entwining my fingers with his and kissing them and all that lovey dovey jazz. But in the end, due to everybody laughing at me, I jumped up off of him and ran out of school crying. I circled around the building, slid down the wall and sobbed. I sobbed because people like Jace Crawford existed. I sobbed because I was too much of a chicken shit to do anything about mystery boy. I sobbed because I was such a hateable person and I had no clue as to why. I sobbed because of everything.

Very rarely do I break down like that. Never infront of another person, but I guess I wasn't aware of eyes boring into me until it was too late. I looked up to see my mystery boy standing right infront of me, watching as I cried. Afraid I was going to be hit, I skidded quite awfully away from him. He walked towards me. "Well? Get on with it, pummel me. I know that's what you came out here to do.." My voice broke on the last couple.of words, and I put my head in my hands so he wouldn't see me cry again.

"Why would I want to beat you up?" He asked, a hurt tone in his voice. "Is it because you knocked into me? You were running from Jace and his lackeys."

I sniffled and looked up. "If you didn't follow me to hit on me, why a-are you out here?"

"To console you."


He sighed. "Believe what you want, but it's the truth." I watched him pull out a cigarette and light it. "You want one?"

"No, thank you. I don't smoke." I stood up, brushed my jeans off and leaned against the wall.

He shrugged. "Suit yourself." He puffed. "I'm Alexander, by the way. But call me Alex."

"I'm Jude.." I said, watching him as he smoked. He made the nasty habit look extremely hot.

"Like the saint; cool. Nice to meet you, Jude. Hey so uh, you wanna ditch or nah?" Alex winked at me, and pointed across the way at what looked to be a motorcycle.

"Um.. I.. s-sure?" I gulped. I was slightly scared, mostly because the thought of riding on a motorcycle scared the living shit out of me but also because I had never skipped a day of school in my life. Oh fucking well.

Alex grabbed my arm and started dragging me along over to the parking lot. "Whoa man, I know how to walk." I protested, struggling to keep pace with him.

"I'm aware, but I like this more." He winked at me again and when I blushed, he smirked.

He dragged me out towards his motorcycle, my heart racing every second of the way. It beat with excitement and fear and a smidge of a feeling I couldn't recognize. I loved the feeling, but I was deathly afraid of it at the same time.

Alex handed me a helmet and I put it on with shaky hands. I, Jude Matthews, pathetic and cowardly Jude Matthews, was getting ready to ride a God damn motorcycle. Of all things. What the actual fuck. I almost backed out and ran away, but I ended up getting on after him.

"You ready?" he turned back to face me and I nodded hesitantly. Alex turned the key and the fucking thing roared so loud that I almost fucking fell the fuck off.. totally not because it scared me, nope. He twisted the accelerate and kicked the clutch, and we were off.

I probably should've held onto his shoulders instead of his waist, but he didn't seem to mind. Fear pretty much overwhelmed me and I was screaming. My hands clenched onto Alex's jacket with a death grip so tight that I'm surprised it didn't tear or something. I could faintly hear him laugh, and I scowled under the helmet. Fucking jerk ass.

I had no clue where we were going, and I didn't really care. Despite my fear, I was loving this. But Holy Jesus it was fucking scary as Hell. I should stop with all the cussing.

We suddenly came to a stop after about a half hour of driving. I took my helmet off and looked around. I remember gasping at the sight.

Alex had parked us infront this.. this beautiful tree. I think it was a willow, and oh my God it was gorgeous. So frickin' gorgeous that looking back on it now, I wish I was able to cry because it's very symbolic in terms of my whole life.

"Oh my God.." I finally spoke. I heard Alex chuckle, but I just ignored it. I loved this spot so much.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked, but he already knew the answer. I nodded.

"Beautiful is an understatement. Like, t-the biggest one ever."

"I know."

We got off the motorcycle and headed towards the tree. I sat down under it and Alex followed suit. "Why'd you bring me here?" I asked after thinking about it for awhile. It was kind of strange, taking someone you barely know to such a place.

"I don't know. You just seemed like you needed to get away. So this place was just as good as any." He leaned back against the tree and pulled out a cigarette. I watched him light it, put it to his lips, and puff.

"You're pretty cool, you know that Jude? I mean I don't see why those guys beat up on you.." Alex looked down as he said that.

"Because they think I'm a 'faggot'."

"Are you?" He looked at me.

"I—-no? man, I don't know," I sighed, " I don't want to be, but... yeah."

"It's okay, I understand. Kind of. I used to not believe I was bisexual, but I figured out I was.. and soon after realized I'm attracted to boys like you." Alex's smile turned into a smirk as I blushed wildly.

We sat there for about an hour after that before he told me it was time to go. He hopped to his feet and pulled me up awkwardly. We walked over to the motorcycle, got on, and rode away.

That's.. pretty much it for that day, sorry. All that happened afterwards was he dropped me off at home and I did shit. Not particularly exciting.

A/N: Sorry for the (sort of) hiatus, I had lots of personal stuff going on that I'm not gonna get into. But for the time being I'm back, so expect updates every.. let's go with three days :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading!

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