Prompt 5 (Starlight & Pixie Dust)

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The air had grown chilly and cold, the summer warmth having long disappeared months ago. School was currently in full swing despite the snow that dusted the ground and threatened to fall from the sky. Amaray Fenekar, a young sixteen year old, had just stepped off the bus and into the biting cold outside. Her thick brown curls had been tucked under the warm beanie that sat atop her head. What didn't fit under her beanie cascaded down her back in a mess of waves and tangled curls.

As her feet began moving, Amaray crossed the slush filled grass to the front door of her home. Her mother's car sat in the driveway, making her wonder if she had actually gone to work to begin with.

Whatever reason for her mother's early return, Amaray pushed aside the thoughts as she had only one destination in mind regardless of who was actually home.

Reaching for the door with a single gloved hand, Amaray turned the knob and stepped inside. She was welcomed by the warmth that filled every inch of the house's interior. The smell of roast cooking in the slow cooker made her mouth water and her stomach rumble for a single taste of the juicy meat. The craving only being halted knowing she would have to wait until supper was finished for that to even happen.

"I'm home!"

Amaray called out, making a bee line directly for the stairs, already pulling her gloves and hat free from her person.

"Welcome home! How was school!?"

"Fine, it was fine!"

Quickly climbing each step, Amaray rushed to her room before her mother could continue with their short conversation. She didn't want to have to go into detail about what went on during her day, not that it was too exciting.

The moment her bedroom door shut, Amaray let a heavy sigh blow passed her lips and her body relax against the door itself. Her partially open bag was dropped to the ground, all its contents spilling out at her feet. Books, papers, pencils. . . she would have ignored the mess and moved to her bed if not for the colorful, navy blue bag with silver stars caught her attention. The object a curious one since she had never seen it before.

Letting that curiosity take hold of her, Amaray reached down and picked the bag up. It was quite obvious that something filled half of the velvety soft fabric, but it was so light in weight that it could have been mistaken for empty. To her, it didn't weigh anymore than a feather, nothing more.

Confusion mingled with her ever growing curiosity, prompting her to tug free the golden drawstrings and open the small bag. Her blue eyes cast downward, a frown forming upon her lips as she glanced into the bag. The contents within finally revealing itself to the young woman glancing into the darkness of the bag.

"What is thi. . ."

As she reached to dig out what was in the bag, a knock sounded from behind her on her door. A surprised scream was quickly pulled from within her accompanied by a startled jolt that forced the bag the fly from her hands. It flew into the air above her, rotating just enough for the contents inside the bag to dump not only on the ground, but sprinkling all over Amaray in a shimmering golden blanket of dust.

"Amaray, honey, is everything alright in there?"

It was her mother, checking in on her since she hadn't stuck around to talk. She should have seen this coming, but had disregarded it at the time.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's been a long day, I think I'm going to lay down for a little bit."

"Alright, dinner will be ready about four thirty. I'll come wake you before then."

Amaray didn't answer, finding no need to since it was pretty typical of her to lay down after a long day at school.

Listening as her mother reluctantly walked away, her hesitant footsteps stopping and going before completely silencing as she disappeared back downstairs. Though, now that her mother was back downstairs, it left her with a glittery mess to clean up at her door and all over herself.

"Great, now everything is sparkly. What I wouldn't give to be somewhere else right now, somewhere exciting."

Frustrated mutterings flew free from her lips, but Amaray decided it best not to dwell on the matter. Her thoughts raced to where she had gotten the bag, how it ended up in her backpack of all places. She thought about it, trying to figure out its origins as she walked from the mess and brushed herself off as best she could to rid herself of the golden dust that resided upon her person.

Nothing came to mind, however.

Only when she reached her bed and dusted off as best she could, did she allow herself to fall onto her back upon her bed. Her body relaxing into the soft blankets she rested upon while she gently sank into the cloud-like mattress. Amaray let herself succumb to the quick slumber that she didn't know she was in need of. The winter weather must have zapped her energy far more than she was actually aware of.

Regardless, the sweet sensation of darkness took over her and sleep blanketed her like a comforting hug, coaxing her into a peaceful slumber.

**** **** **** ****

How much time had passed since she fell asleep?

A comforting warmth blanketed her entirely, keeping her relaxed during her slumber. The warm air that accompanied it, drifted across her skin and danced around her like a soft whisper. It caused something nearby to tickle her skin with a light, feathery touch. Mingling with that feathery tickle was a soft brush of what could only be described as fur. . . fuzzy fur. It brushed across her face, tickling her nose with the softest of touches. The feeling coaxed a giggle from her lips and her hand to raise up and brush at whatever was tickling her nose.

"That tickles."

Amaray sleepily mumbled, not fully grasping what was truly going on around her. To her, what she was feeling had been nothing more than a dream. That was, until her brain rushed at her and finally caught up with the truth of each sudden sensation she was feeling.

Crystal blue eyes shot open, her body sitting up right just as fast as she awoke. Thankfully she wasn't standing or she may have ended up back on the ground. Her head spinning from how quickly she sat up.

Her eyes shifted around her the moment her head stopped spinning, taking in the sudden green fields and the bright summer sun that shone from above. It was the exact opposite of the gloomy winter afternoon and warm bed she had fallen asleep in earlier.

Amaray's attention was pulled away from her surroundings when something jumped onto her lap and squeaked up at her. The small little creature surprising her just as much as her own mother would have knocking on her door.

Blue eyes met with beady little crimson eyes and shimmering white fur that glistened in the sunlight. Small little paws padded across her legs as three black tipped fox tails swayed happily back and forth, more yips calling to Amaray as if worried about how she reacted. Small white wings rested upon its back, tucked tightly together so they were out of the way while not flying. What the small creature was, she could not say. However, it was the cutest little thing she had ever seen in her entire life.

"Hello there. Where did you come from?"

Amaray started, hesitantly reaching up and scratching the small animal behind one black pointed ear. She was only interrupted when a shimmering wall began growing in front of her like a mirage growing in the desert. To see it in a field as green as the one she was in had shocked her, but it wasn't as shocking as watching a full grown person step out from it and stand before her.

While she stared in awe, the male in shimmering gold armor, straight blonde hair and eyes as green as a forest looked towards her. Their eyes meeting, forest green and crystal blue, locked in silent question upon one another.

"There you are m'lady, your presence has been requested by the king himself."

If she wasn't confused before, she was now.

That confusion overtook her rather quickly, her mind attempting to process everything that was happening before her. Nothing was making sense, causing a sudden panic to rise from deep within her. It was a feeling she did not like and would do anything to get rid of. However, as she tried to speak to question what the man was saying, only a single word managed to escape from her lips -if you could call it that-.


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