Chapter Nine

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Gabriel Hernsburg.

That's who I'm working for. After making a few inquiries, I found out that Hernsburg stands for one of the H(s) in Double H Tech. I don't know what the other one means, and neither do the staff as well.

"Morning, Grayson." I greet him as I walk past him and he flashes me a handsome smile in return. When I was leaving the other day, he asked me if I was officially a staff here, and was happy to hear that the answer was positive.

I still don't know how to feel about that by the way.

When I reach the elevator, I see that someone else is already standing and waiting for it. It's the bitchy woman from the last time.

She sees me too, but she doesn't acknowledge my presence. Only when we both enter the elevator and I don't press a button after her does she scoff in contempt. "Of course, you're also on the fifteenth floor."

I shake my head. "Hello to you too, stranger."

"It's Nessa!" She snaps like I care what her name is.

"I'm Aria. Nice to meet you."

I hold back a laugh when her eyes shoot lasers at me. Her pretty blonde hair is falling in waves and she's in a red suit with a short skirt. I look down at my plain black and white. Maybe, I have to put more thought into my work outfit. It was easier at Landon and Co where everyone practically dressed the same way.

"Shut up." I raise an eyebrow at her comment and her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Whatever."

I chuckle. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't." She admits. "I just hate that you're working here."

"Why?" I press on. She only saw me once and decided she hated me at our first encounter and all I did was tell her I was new there. Would she have hated any other person in my shoes or was it a personal vendetta against me?

"Because my best friend put in a lot of work for her presentation and got denied because apparently, they didn't have a spot for her. But you just waltz in from nowhere and boom, you're hired. You didn't even give a presentation. How do we know you're even capable of working with us?"

I open my mouth to reply, but the elevator suddenly stops and she quickly steps out, leaving me to deal with my guilt again.

I understand her. I really do, but it wasn't my doing. It's not my fault Nessa's friend was denied the job. It's also not my fault I was given the job, but I still feel at fault.

If I didn't go the club that day, maybe I wouldn't have met Gabriel.

Mr. Hernsburg.

That's what I should address him as since he's my boss.

I keep all thoughts out of my mind as I approach my office. More like a cubicle though, that I was directed to when I was given my employee ID.

In a way, I'm thankful it's a cubicle because I don't have to spend time personalizing it, but I hate the lack of privacy.

I keep my head down until I reach the cubicle, not wanting to lock eyes with the many people staring at me. Maybe, they would give me a warm welcome if I got the job in a different way.

As soon as I sit down, I place my laptop on the desk and finish working on the ad I started on when I was home.

I get lost in my work until I feel a shadow over me, making me look up. It's a woman who looks younger than me. She has fiery red hair and a friendly smile on her face. "Hi, I'm Belle. Welcome to Double H Tech."

I smile wryly. "A few hours too late, don't you think?"

She scratches her neck and laughs as she looks around. I look around as well. Everyone is watching from their cubicle. For the second time, I hate the lack of privacy here. She sits on the only other chair which is across from me. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to approach."

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