Just a warning, there may/will be very strong language, sexual contact between two male characters, among other things. If this triggers you, the back button is riiiiiiight over there 👈

Ashton's POV

I really hate school, and I mean hate as in HAAAAAATTTTTTEEEE!!! I have only one friend whose name is Harold and he -along with the rest of this stupid Catholic town- know that I am gay and every time I step outside the front door, I get told that I will burn in Hell for my sinful ways. Um, I'm sorry Mr. I Eat One Hundred Gallons Of Ice Cream A Week, gluttony is one of the 7 DEADLY sins. That's right, my wet dreams are just as sinful as your daytime snack. Anywhore, I just got to school, -yay- and I'm already being thrown into trash cans. I mean, it's not even 8 a.m. and my day is already shitty. There's only so much I can take before I snap and do something that I may or may not regret later. I give a very deadly glare at the jocks that threw me away (A/N get what I did there? Threw him away like you throw- you get the point) and stood up slowly with a deadly calm aura around me and only Harold knows how to calm me down before I go ape shit at these four. Harold quickly rushed over to me and helped me up while trying to calm me down, when I am screaming at these four homophobic fuck ups that they don't know how I feel. They don't know the feeling of being born in the Bible belt, being raised to conform to the ways of this so-called Jesus Christ. They're not told to straighten up and act right. They aren't told that they CAN'T love another male romantically, told that they're supposed to love a woman and reproduce and all that shit. Eventually, my voice grows hoarse, and I'm forced to quit screaming. I turn towards my best friend, close to tears and say, my voice cracking, "can I just get one day of not being fucked with!?! Just one!?!"

I quickly ran out of the school and past students trying to get inside the school before the bell rings, who heard everything and were laughing at me and ran home and slammed the front door. My mother, a very kind woman named Erica, along with my father, a very kind man named PJ, asked me what was wrong and had gotten me to the point of skipping school and slamming the front door, when they both know that I'm very serious about my education. I sank into my father's arms while saying, "it's about my sexuality. Homophobic bastards threw me in one of the trash cans near where we were standing and I kinda screamed at them that they don't know how I feel. I know both of you accept and support me, but I just can't go back to that high school knowing that it'll just happen again. I asked Harold to stop by before I fled the school and he said that he'll be by when school lets out."

A/N I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in 2 1/2 months, but I haven't had a chance to update because I haven't had a laptop to continue updating consistently and updating this story on my phone isn't comfortable nor feasible. I plan on updating at least once per week, if not more often.

My mom says in a calm and loving voice, "Oh, my baby. Of course, you don't have to go back to that school. We will move to a LGBT-friendly town where you can be as gay as you want, without all this hate and negativity."

"Thank you, mom and dad. I love you both." I tell both of my parents. "We love you too honey," my father replied. 

~Time skip brought to you by Walmart~

It has been a year since I moved away from my former Catholic town, and I couldn't be happier. I met another gay teen, and his name is Henry, whom I adore and love. He and I have been dating since a month after we moved. "Henry?" I ask my boyfriend. "Yes, love?" he replied. "What would you say if I told you that I was pregnant?" He replied, "Really?!? I'm going to be a dad?"

"Yes, darling, we are going to be parents, isn't that awesome?" I say to my love. "FUCK YES!!!" he screams. "How far along are you?" "The doc said I was 5 weeks along and said for me to come back in about 3 weeks to see how our kid is growing in my uterus."

I have been trying to not think about how Harold is doing. I wish that others weren't so bigoted. But that's life. I know! I can try to call him to see how he is doing. ~rrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg~ "Hello?" Harold says. "Hey Harold, it's me, Ashton, your best friend before I had to move. How have you been?" I asked. "Of course, I know who you are, you dick. I've been trying to reach you ever since you left, but your mom thought that it would be best if you forgot about me and got a new best friend and not one who lives 8 hours away." "She said WHAT!?!?!" I screamed. "Honey, why are you screaming like you had your hand hacked off?" my mother asked. "I just called Harold, you know, my best friend from our old town; you want to know what he said that concerns you, you bitch?"


 "How dare you call me names!!! I have given you everything you need, from money for lunch to money for gas, and you call me a *gasp* a bitch? Give me your phone, you're grounded for a month."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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