chapter one.

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"richie?" i whispered, kicking the black haired boy in the shins lightly.

"what?" he muttered back, his voice sharp.

i glanced at the clock, making sure my timing would be perfect. a look of understanding crossed his face and he opened his mouth, shaking his head, but before he could, i cut him off.

"i fucked your mom," i said, a grin engulfing my face as the bell rang, ending the time our challenge went on.

"oh fuck you!" he shouted a bit too loudly, causing the teacher to give us a side eye.

but it was the last day of school and the bell had rung, so who really cared?

"i know you want to," i joked, as i gathered my things and raced out of the classroom, richie, bill, and eddie following behind. stan joined us in the halls.

"so which one of you won?" eddie asked, referring to our bet. the goal was go be the last one to make a your mom joke before school was offically out.

"they did," richie sighed, pointing to me. i smiled proudly.

"yup," i confirmed, "now you owe me three quarters."

"oh shut up," richie scowled.

"you shut up richie," stan added.

"y-yeah, dont be s-such a s-s-sore loser," bill affirmed.

"agreed," eddie finished.

"and there you have it, richie. by popular vote, i win again," i announced dramatically.

richie adjusted his glasses looking down, trying to hold in a smile.

just then we walked past a few of the older kids, and they stared daggers into our back.

"think theyll sign my year book?" richie questioned.

stan rolled his eyes as richie continued his little bit.

"richie, thats disgusting!" eddie exclaimed, "completely unsanitary."

"l-l-lighten up, eddie," bill replied.

"yeah, eds, lighten up," richie wrapped his arm around the boys shoulders as we exited the building.

"get your arm off of me, whens the last time you showered?" he scowled, "and i told you not to call me, eds."

"we all know hes not gonna stop," i remarked.

"nope!" richie smiled brightly.

"you are all ridiculous," stan observed, shaking his head.

bill shook his head in agreement.

eventually, we made our way to the trash cans to dump out our schoolbags.

"best feeling ever," stan grinned.

"yeah? try tickling your pickle for the first time," richie snickered.

"shut up, richie," i glared playfully.

he tipped his backpack and i noticed three shiny quarters fall into the trash.

"richie!" i exclaimed.

"huh?" he turned to face me.

"you just threw away my quarters, you asshole!"

"oops," he smiled lopsidedly.

"fuck you, you nerdy ass glasses wearer," i remarked, flipping him off.

he returned the gesture before eddie interupted us, "what are we gonna do tomorrow?"

"i start my training," richie stated, adjusting his glasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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