I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone

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It was like Percy and Annabeth all over again.

Every time Kayla was around, Nico would get sick to his stomach. He wouldn't even look at her, and even though he knew it wasn't fair, he couldn't stop himself from hating her.

It was all Will's fault, honestly. If he wasn't so handsome and kind and cheerful, if he wasn't the only person Nico ever felt safe with... if he hadn't made Nico fall in love with him over and over again, they wouldn't be in this situation.

Hazel was the first to notice Nico's change of behaviour. She had moved back to her house, but still spent a lot of time in the hospital so it didn't take long for her to realise something was off.

"Did Kayla do something wrong?" She had asked.

Nico felt so guilty it was almost overwhelming. Of course Hazel would think it was Kayla's fault, Nico hadn't told her about Will or his relationship with her- without fail, Hazel would always take his side.

"No, she's okay." He came up with a white lie. "I'm just tired of being here, that's all."

"I'm sorry, I can't imagine how hard it must be."

"It's fine," he waved her off. "It's not your fault. I was the one behind the wheel, remember?"

"Still," she shook her head. "Maybe I could talk to dad? Try to convince him to let us treat you at home."

"No." Nico cut her off a little too fast.

Hazel blinked at him.

"No?" She repeated, visibly confused. "Didn't you just say you didn't like it here?"

"Yes, but–" he stammered. "What if I get worse? Dad's right to keep me here while I heal."

"...Okay," she said. "Anyway, I need to prepare for an exam I'll have this afternoon so I'll have to go now. Reyna is dropping by later though."

Nico nodded and wished her good luck.

Once she was gone, he laid back and closed his eyes. He could do this. He had spent three years watching his crush slowly fall in love with someone else before and he survived it. He could stand a few more weeks with Will and Kayla.

It wasn't all that bad actually, knowing that Will was happy and in a relationship, but it crushed any of Nico's hopes of them becoming something more in the future: all the "what ifs?" were gone. Will definitely didn't have feelings for Nico. Those little moments they had, the looks they shared, the private conversations, it meant nothing to Will.

Nico meant nothing.


"Okay, something's not right here." Reyna said after her third win.

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