A Long Overdue Update

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Hi everyone,

It's been almost three years since I've logged into this website, and I've been putting this off for a long time. I received countless emails and messages and comments, here and on my other media platforms asking where I've been and if I was going to come and finish my stories here on Wattpad and they haven't gone unnoticed. I hope I can give you all some long overdue closure.

First, this message is long overdue and for that, I'm sincerely sorry. Many of you were angry with me and rightfully so, as I should have made this update a long time ago. Unfortunately, this post is one I've been dreading for a while, but that's not an excuse. After all of the love and support, you all have shown my writing, I at least owed you an explanation. I want to be clear that it was never my intention to leave you all hanging or to disappear so abruptly, and I'm truly sorry for that. I know that some people took my absence as a sign of little regard for my readers, and I am so sorry to have acted in a way that would give that impression. I LOVE my readers, every single one of them. I am endlessly grateful for all of your love and support throughout the process of writing this book. I would not be the writer I am today without all of you.

For context, I started this story when I was 16 and now I'm almost 24. I started this story to see if I even could write a novel. But now, I'm in a completely different phase of life and frame of mind than I was when I started TAP. Honestly, TAP was inspired by some very real, very traumatizing events that happened in my personal life and started as a way for me to heal. But now, it's no longer a healing mechanism for me and instead can be very triggering. I know there is so much love for this series, and I wish in my healing I had written it in a sustainable way that wouldn't now be hurtful for me to come back to. I also fully did not expect anyone to read my story, so for it to get so popular and to share such a secret part of you with the world can be scary and overwhelming. Many times the number of comments and shares and messages got to be stressful and overwhelming in a way I never anticipated.

I've seen so many comments and messages about the health issues I shared in TAP, and it means so much for people to be concerned about my wellbeing. I am still struggling with those health issues (and a few more), but overall I'm doing as well as I can!

A lot has happened in the almost 4 years since I wrote on here, but so much has happened since I started TAP. I'm a different person now and there are new stories I want to share and write that excite me and that I'm passionate about. I have new hobbies (many of you have found me and messaged me on my book Instagram and youtube channel) and I truly am so happy. I hope that you all can understand and appreciate that.

For a long while, I really believed I would be able to come back and finish TAQ and I really wanted to. Part of me still does, but it would be unfair to continue to give you hope after so long especially when I don't even know when I'd be able to find the time. That story still lives in my head! However, for a number of reasons, at this time it is unlikely TAQ will be finished. I know this is disappointing and not what you all wanted to hear, and I'm sorry to let you all down like that! I can't thank you all enough for reading TAP and TAQ into your lives, you have all taught me so much about my impact as a writer. I'm still writing and will always be, but not on any platforms currently. Hopefully, one day you'll see one of my books on shelves!

I know I said it in a previous chapter, but please feel free to reach out to me via instagram ( @ royreadingco) or on youtube (@Kayla Victoria) with any questions or concerns! Hearing from you all truly does make my day! My dms are always open!

Finally, I am truly sorry for how long this has taken, I never could've imagined this many people would be so invested in my work but it's time to close the chapter. Thank you all for everything, you mean the world to me and I wish you all the best! (Also, I hope you all find someone like Beck in your life, I know I've found mine :) )



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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