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Chapter FiveLeft Behind with a Mysterious Yellow Bunny

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Chapter Five
Left Behind with a Mysterious Yellow Bunny


EXCITEMENT WAS ALL YOU felt as your parents drove to the Pizzaplex again. However, you were oblivious to the plan both of your parents had prepared the first day you went to the Pizzaplex. It was their opportunity to talk freely about how they couldn't handle living in fear with you. The demandants you were throwing at them were way to much for them to fulfill.

They were afraid of facing the same fate as the people who used to babysit you. Your parents still hear their cries of help since you kept their souls trapped in small black cats figures. It was what you wanted and they couldn't defy you, the King/Queen in Yellow. So they decided to leave you in the Pizzaplex...

Yes it was wrong to abandon a child, but in your case... It was just the best thing to do if they wanted to escape this hell you have put them in. Your mother had packed all of your needed stuff in your favorite bag, your plushie, cassette player, story books, and most importantly your pacifier talisman. She also placed a note in your bag in case someone found out about you after the closing hour. After they leave the Pizzaplex, your parents will move out to another place in hopes you won't find them.

After a few more minutes, you were finally walking into the Pizzaplex after your father parked the car, "I will go and get us an entry pass." Your father spoke up, pointing at the front desk. You gave him a big smile and nodded, holding your mom's hand so you do get lost or knocked off since the place is a bit crowded. You waited for a moment before your father returned with the passes. You couldn't contain your excitement as you skipped to the main entrance to the Pizzaplex lobby where a Freddy's statue stood in its golden glory.

You then made it to Customer Service to upgrade your pass and you were surprised when you saw it was a VIP one, "Here sweetheart, your pass will allow you to go to any attraction you like. It's your birthday, so you get to have the best." You mother explained while forcing a smile, ruffling your H/L H/C hair.

A big grin formed on your lips, "Really?! I can go anywhere?" You asked, giving them big hopeful and sparkling eyes. Your father nodded and picked you upas he walked up the stairs to the elevator, "Not only that, but I informed the manager to arrange a special meeting for you with the main four animatronics." He told you, walking inside the elevator with your mother right beside you.

You clapped your hands happily, "Yay! I got to meet Freddy and the others!" As you said that, your parents exchanged a look of guilt. They just wish you were a normal child...

Once the elevator door opened, both married couple walked out and your father placed you down, "So honey, where would you like to go first?" Your mother asked as you thought of a place to visit first.

"Let's go to Bonnie Bowl!"

With that, the three of you made it there. You enjoyed your time there so much, you played bowling... well mostly watched your parents compete each other. Then you went to other attractions like Monty Golf, Fazer Blast, Mazercise, the arcades, but you were disappointed that you couldn't visit Roxy Raceway since it was under construction. However, you enjoyed your time in this place. You even went to El Chip's to eat some Mexican food.

Right now, you were looking at the animatronics performing on the stage which was kinda cool to you. However, you got shocked when you saw Freddy glitch then collapse so suddenly. You were pretty focused on the bear animatronic that you didn't notice your parents were gone long time ago. There was a voice from the intercom...

"We apologize for the inconvenient situation that occurred during the show, please proceed to main lobby with the help of our friendly staff bots."

You didn't listen to what he said as you were slowly getting irritated... this ruined your birthday! Now you can't meet the animatronics because of whatever happened to Freddy. Just then and from the corner of your eyes, you saw a white bunny standing in a dark corner, waving at you. This made you recall the story you have, The Prince and the Rabbit.

The bunny stopped waving and skipped more into the dark hallway. Gripping your bag's strips, you chased after them to catch them. You didn't know for how long you were running, but you surely ended up in a what looked like an office with many TVs. The rabbit was nowhere to be seen which saddened you a bit.

You climbed up the chair that was placed on front of the desk and sat on your knees to get a good look at the screen, "Huh? Is there a cartoon show here?" You asked as your curious eyes landed on a purple button with the words 'Don't Press' was written on a sticky note above it.

"What does this button do?" You questioned no one in particular, pressing it anyways. The screens started to glitch which caught your eyes, "Hm? This show is boring! I wanna watch Tom and Jerry!" You complain, letting out a bratty huff. The screen then stopped glitching and there you saw another bunny, but this one was yellow with purple vest and bowtie. He was waving at you with their permanent smile.

"ⱧɆⱠⱠØ." The bunny spoke to you with a glitchy voice which made you assume that it was a male.

You waved back while looking at him with awe, "Hello Mr, yellow rabbit. What are you doing in the TV?" You greeted back while blinking your wide eyes. "₩ⱧÂ₮'₴ ɎØɄⱤ ₦₳₥Ɇ?" He spoke again which made you think that he wants to be your friend. You smiled happily to meet a new bunny friend, "I'm Y/N, what's your name?" You asked in return, jumping slightly in your seat.

"ɎØɄ ₵₳₦ ₵₳ⱠⱠ ₥Ɇ ₲Ⱡł₮₵Ⱨ₮Ɽ₳₱. ₦Ø₩ Ⱡł₮₮ⱠɆ Ɏ/₦, ₩ØɄⱠĐ ɎØɄ Ⱡł₭Ɇ ₮Ø ⱧɆⱠ₱ ₥Ɇ?"


Author Note:-
I hope you enjoyed this chapter to its fullest. Now I'm planning on making Glitchtrap as his own person, not William Afton. However, I'm still not sure about this. Tell me what you think about it and give some of your ideas about how could our cute little demonic Y/N could use Glitchtrap as her new bunny friend.

Be safe and amazing.

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