Simply Uninteresting.

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"Why don't you stand up and tell us
something interesting about yourself, Avery!"

Oh, the dreaded question that I get asked at the beginning of every school year.

How am I meant to answer that question when I'm simply uninteresting?

Each time I get this question I panic and end up saying something plain like, "I have a pug" or "I have 2 sisters."

I've never had a cool answer like my surrounding peers. They answer with things like "I'm a dancer" or "I'm a piano player."

You may think those answers aren't that cool or unique, but I do.

Because I'm not unique. I'm not talented or creative.

I have nothing to brag about.

I have nothing to show off to my friends or parents.

And I have nothing interesting to answer that question with.

I'm tired of being plain. I wish I was an interesting human being.

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