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A young knight is traveling through the fields. He was patrolling through with his five companions, 2 well-trained knights, An experience 1, and some knight who decided to tag along. Believe it or not, 1 of the knights was his dear friend. As they trudged through the night a silent enemy was watching them... or perhaps watching 1 person in particular.

"Alright let's stop here and get going back to the castle. Everyone on par with that Idea?" The Veteran knight said while unequipping his weapons

"Sounds good," said the young knight. Everyone else agreed and started to remove their heavy weapons off their back. The experienced 1, the young knight's friend opted to not remove his weapons for whatever reason and sat down near a tree stump. The young knight was very excitedly talking about how he finally got knighted and wanted to get to the royal guard. The others laughed at the sheer excitement of the boy except 1 of the veterans who said

"It's a long way to a royal guard, most knights don't even live long enough to meet the goal. Try not to die," He deadpanned while taking a bite from an apple he got from seemingly nowhere.

The other veteran raised an eyebrow. The young knight tilted his head in confusion but then shook the confusion off as though he will never figure out how that guy spawns apples when he's not looking. All the knights grabbed their gear and set them next to where they sleep in case of an emergency. The knight who was tagged by orders of the royal family kept watching while everyone else fell asleep. But during this, a blowdart hit the awake knight who was immediately put to sleep. The young knight woke up and went out to do his turn of keeping watch but he saw the knight on the floor. He went to warn the others but it was too late. The place was burning and he saw his friend there watching the flames. He felt a sting in his heart as his friend just stood and enjoyed the show. But he didn't hesitate to run in and get the soldiers out of there. The veterans could walk but had burn marks all over them. That 1 guy that followed with them was fine, just some little scabs. They headed back to the castle, with injured soldiers carried on their back, where they reported on what had happened. The King and queen sent out a search party to which they captured the suspect and threw him in the dungeons. The young knight set out to the dungeons to have a word with the traitor.

"Hey there old friend," The traitor said

"Don't 'Hey' me! You know what you did!"

"I know what I did, I don't regret it"

"I thought we were going to climb up to royal guard together!"

"Well I guess you'll have to go alone"

And with that, the young knight left with nostrils flaring. 


Hope you enjoyed! :

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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