A Change of Heart

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A/N: Not 100% necessary to read my preceding fics, but just some things to know:

- Dracula has turned Ericka into a vampire
- They have twin children who are dhampirs (as Ericka's pregnancy happened when she was still human)
- Transformania doesn't happen... yet
Also, as these are oneshots, I am open to receiving ideas


If there was one thing most folks could agree on, it was that babies were life-changing. They bring joy, happiness, and love, for humans and monsters alike.

But not for Abraham Van Helsing.

He had never been one akin to children. Raising Ericka had been a nightmare of its own until she finally reached of age to care for herself. He'd heard the news loud and clear about her pregnancy, and made sure to stay out of the way during the months she spent carrying her kids. He hadn't bothered to see them yet. Perhaps he would have, had the situation been different - had she chosen a different man - but the fact of the matter was that the father of those children had been his greatest rival for over a century.


He had been right when he'd said that the last night on the Monster Cruise would be a night to remember, though not for what had actually ended up happening. He was taken aback when Ericka had declared that she'd fallen in love with the vampire, and had willingly gone out of her way to decimate the plan they had worked so hard to enact. It was all a downward spiral from there - the engagement; the wedding; the half-vampire kids. The mere thought of being related to monsters made him feel disgusted.

It was wrong and it was dangerous. Why, they'd probably grow up and prey on him! It was difficult for Van Helsing to believe that Dracula only drank a so-called blood substitute instead of the real thing. And now, that devil of a man had turned her into a vampire as well!

It was a fix for the former monster-hunter, and so, Van Helsing had taken it upon himself to resolve the problem in the way he knew how - a well-developed plan.

At first, he wasn't quite sure how to resolve the problem, until he began sifting through his old equipment that was now stored in the hotel's basement. There were many little gadgets and gizmos that he had made use of in his monster-hunting youth - bazookas, grenade launchers, crossbows, and various swords of the like were all stashed there. But he grew happy when he found the one item that he had completely forgotten that he was even in possession of anymore. It was the monsterfication ray, a gadget that was a long staff with a brilliant red gem attached to its end that he had excavated during an Amazonian expedition years ago. As he had discovered years ago when zapping it on a couple of guinea pigs, the powerful ray had the power to transform any creature from a monster to a human and back again. As he stood gazing at the tool, a grin spread over his face. Why, what would be the problem with trying to use it on Ericka and his great-great grandchildren? The monsterfication ray could no doubt easily change them from being monster to being fully human. He had never experimented the ray on actual monsters before, but he would have to try. For the sake of saving his family legacy, after all.

Gripping the ray in his elderly hands, Van Helsing wheeled out of the basement and took the tool with him upstairs. Being that it was daytime, there weren't that many monsters awake, so there was no one to pay him any mind as he made continued to make his way toward Dracula and Ericka's chambers up on the 13th floor. As he rolled through the hallways, a note underneath the door of the Count's eldest daughter caught his eye. Van Helsing bent down to slip it out so that he could read it.


Mr. Bigfoot's suite has another clogged toilet. The pipes have burst, so I had to make an emergency pickup. If I am not back by nightfall, please let Ericka know where I have gone and that I will be back soon. Thanks, sweetfangs!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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