Part 4

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Youko walked beside her father, taking in the scenery and sounds of the city. She glanced at the yellow flower in her hand.

"Will Grammy Mitsi like the flower, Daddy?" She questioned, holding it up to Katsuki.

"Probably," Bakugo said as they arrived t the brick residence. They stopped at the front door.

"Can I do it?" Youko pleaded.

"You think you can be loud enough?" Youko nodded, raising her hand to knock on the door. Bakugo shook his head, taking out his phone and sending a quick text to Mitsuki. He readjusted the backpack strap on his shoulder.

We're out here.

 "Grammy, We're here!" She called.

"Gotta be louder than that. Next time, pretend you're punching someone in the face." Bakugo instructed. Youko gave a short nod.

"Right. I will pretend it is Raidon's face. Is that okay, Daddy?" Bakugo smirked.

"Yeah, that'll do it." He encouraged. "If you knock on the door as hard as you punched that kid, that would be perfect." After a moment, the tall, blonde woman opened the door, greeting the child with a smile.

"Grammy!" Youko exclaimed, throwing her arms around Mitsuki.

"There's my favorite granddaughter!" Mitsuki exclaimed. Youko giggled, meeting her gaze.

"But Grammy, I'm the only one. Daddy said so."The girl pointed out.

"That's all the more reason for you to be my favorite. Come in, you two. Everything's in the living room." Mitsuki stepped aside, allowing her family inside before shutting the door behind them. 

"Grammy, I brought you a pretty flower. It's yellow, just like you and Daddy's hair." Mitsuki took the object, embracing the child.

"Thank you, Youko. You're so thoughtful. Your dad can take a few lessons from you." Katsuki scowled at his mother but said nothing. He followed her into the living room. He saw the stack of photos and DVDs on the coffee table beside a plate of cookies.

"Your dad's helping one of the neighbors today, so you'll have the room mostly to yourself." Mitsuki informed her son. "I made copies of everything, so whatever's in there, you can take it with you.

If you need anything, I'll be around.

I don't know how long you plan to be here, but if you're hungry, you know where the kitchen is. As much as you hate hearing this, in a way, this will always be your home."

"Whatever." Mitsuki sighed, exiting the room. Youko skipped to the coffee table, taking one of the cookies in her hand and lowering herself to the floor.

"My Grammies have the best cookies." Youko declared. Katsuki scoffed.

"You know those are from the store," He said. " The hag can't bake to save her life.

She's not like Deku's mom." He replied. Youko glared at her father.

"They're from Grammy Mitsi. That makes them special because they are just for me." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"You ready to look through this stuff?" He invited, gathering the photos and spreading them out in front of his daughter.

"Yeah. Are these ones the special pictures?"

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