Scarred Omega

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The sound of glass breaking could be heard throughout the Main Household of the Nara Clan. The youngest of the Nara Household was smashing his mirrors. He had asked for them to be removed but the servants kept putting them back. Couldn't they understand that he wanted nothing to do with his reflection ever again? He didn't want to see it, he didn't want the memories to come back. It was bad enough that he would feel them pulsing across his face for the rest of his life. Seeing them only made it worst.

He broke down crying as he felt the two scars that now lived on his face. He was horrified when he woke in the hospital to feel bandages on his face. To make matters worse as soon as word got out that the Nara Clan's prized omega had become disfigured all his suitors ran for the hills. He knew they only proposed for his beauty but to have it slapped in his face shredded his confidence.

His closest friends tried to comfort him but it fell on deaf ears. Whenever he caught sight of himself in a mirror he would break it. He couldn't stand the sight of himself anymore, call him shallow and vain but he was hideous now. He looked around his room, the broken glass sprinkled around him and he was drowned in the urge to slit his throat. Which Alpha would want him now? His body might be fine but he certainly wasn't beautiful anymore to hang off the arm of a powerful alpha.

He would be hidden away, made a mockery of. He couldn't handle those thoughts, he was disgusted throughout his entire being. He sniffled as he roughly dried his tears with his night clothes before heading out of his room. He took his time slowly going down to the main hall but was stopped when he heard talking.

It was his father and another voice.

"Listen, kid, I ain't got time to waste on you and your pathetic proposal," His father growled. "You're an orphan, you have no financial standing. Sure you may be alpha but that is all. My son may have lost his face but he's not so low on the ladder that I would consider letting you of all people court him."

Shikaku's eyes widened. Did somebody want to court him? You must be joking. The only thing left for him is to become a concubine to some feudal lord's son.

"I know I don't have anything to give," The voice was determined and proud. But it was familiar to Shikaku's ears. He knew this person. "My courting Shikaku would bring no value to the Nara Clan. I understand that but I simply just wanted to ask even if you were going to reject me."

"You thought because he got disfigured you'd get him at a discount?" His father sounded offended.

"Not at all," The voice seemed offended as well. "I don't care about his disfigurement. I have always wanted to court Shikaku even though I know he wouldn't look my way twice."

"I heard all the other suitors withdrew their proposals, I know how it feels to be rejected. I knew you would turn me away but I want him to know that someone does still find him attractive, that someone does want to court him," The voice sounded so sincere and Shikaku had to bite his lips to keep his sobs at bay. "I want nothing more than for him to be happy, even if it is not with me."

The person got up and left the meeting hall and his father left the area as well but not before tossing something in the garbage that Shikaku immediately retrieved. It was their proposal and the photo of the person was the last person Shikaku expected to court him.

Naruto Uzumaki was 25 years old to 16 years old. He was an alpha that was tagged as being a loner. He was an Anbu and had a solid mission record. He had no idea that the older man would be interested in him. He certainly didn't bat an eye when Shikaku was on his team a few times as intelligence. The alpha never gave off a vibe of wanting to be intimate with him. No stares, no releasing of his scent when they were alone. Nothing at all.

Scarred OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now