Chapter 26: Time

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Hope yelps in pain as Eric helps her stand before sitting in the wheelchair next to her hospital bed.

"I'm sorry babe." Eric apologized.

"No it's okay." Hope reassured him along with a smile.

"You sure?"

"Yes, let's hurry."

Eric smiled a little before pushing the wheelchair out of the room.


Hope gives the nurse the clipboard after signing her departure papers.

"Remember, take your pills, don't push yourself, and get some rest." The nurse said smiling softly.

"Yes, Janet." Hope said returning the same smile.

After three weeks of being Hope's nurse, her and Janet actually became really good friends.

Janet looks at Eric making him sigh.

"I'll try."

The three chuckled before saying bye. Eric and Hope went through the doors seeing their friends right there waiting for them.

Leah ran to her big sister and jumps in her lap giving her a hug.

Despite the pain, Hope could only smile and hug her back, feeling relieved her little sister was still okay.

Hope and Leah couldn't see each other much these last three weeks because of Leah going to school, doing homework, hanging out with Amy, and bedtime. It was sad but they at least got to see each other every weekend and now that won't be a problem.

"Good to see you out of the hospital." Horatio said giving hope a small smile.

"It's good to be out. They have limited tv shows to watch." Hope said.

Everyone laughs.

They all talked for awhile before Eric said they should get to the pharmacy and home.


"Thank you come again." The employee said handing Eric their food.

Hope uses her right hand to grab the bag from Eric and sits it in her lap.

Eric pulls off and they head home.

He soon pulls up in the driveway. Hope opens the door and tries to get out but was stopped by Eric.

"Woah, where do you think you going." He said.

"Out the car?" Hope said looking confused.

"You have to wait for me. You can't get out by yourself."


"You can't hurt yourself again, doctors orders." Leah said cutting Hope off.

"Not you too, Leah."

By the time she turned her head, Eric was already out beside her, he takes the bag from her before gently helping her out the car.

"I could've done this myself."

"Babe, let me help you. You can't do things by yourself right now."

Hope looks down pouting.

Eric leans down and kiss her.

"You'll get better soon, it'll just take time."


Everyone walks in the house and Hope aloud Leah and Amy to eat in her room as long as she don't waste anything.

Now Eric was helping Hope walk up the stairs to their room.

Due to a sprained ankle, Hope couldn't add pressure on it and plus she's still limping so it was very difficult for her to do anything with her body.

Hope groans and whimpers in pain as she sits down on her bed.

"Need me to get you anything babe?" Eric asked kneeling in front of her, seeing her tired and pained face.

"No but can you help me with my legs?"

"Of course."

Eric carefully moves her legs up so they can be laid out.

"I hate being like this.."

Now Eric sighs knowing what she means.

"Things happen in life we'll never see coming." He now sits next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"I know.."

"Come on babe cheer up."

"How can I cheer up when I can't do nothing for myself!"

"You'll get back on feet, just be grateful you're not paralyzed or worse."

Hope takes a deep breath calming herself down.

"I'm sorry.."

Eric kiss her forehead and rubs her shoulder.

"It's okay. I can't feel what you're feeling but I know things will get better."

Hope nods and lays her head on his shoulder.

"I just need time."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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