~Change of plans- suspicious Ghibli?~
{?}Location: Flower cove roof- time: 11:30{?}
+Aeries- Okay, looks like there are a few herbs here, so that's good. Fill up everyone. We'll be stopping at dune's watering hole- on the bridge.-+
{?}Sunset flew down and stopped on the swirling bridge{?}
+Sunset- Aeries? What are we gonna do with the wardens?-+
+Aeries- Wardens?- OH! Right! Verdant and Ardor warden... Uhmmm... I'm sure they'll let us fill up, there are two devs here anyway. Go drink.-+
{?}Sunset decided to stick with the berries and drink when they arrived at the watering hole{?}
~Two minutes later-11:32~
{?}They took off and headed towards dunes, once more. They went around the flier's rock to avoid the arsonos pack and gilded to the watering hole's bridge above it, when they arrived there it was 11:48{?}
+Sunset- Right, I'm going to drink-
+Aeries- Wait! Make sure there aren't only beezus!-+
+Archelium- There's a Fleuralis, four dieasuras- looks like they made a nest so they claimed it their home and two doragonixes on the edge of the pond under the bridge.-+
+Sunset- Good to know, eggs? Delicious! I'm starving and I want to eat something that isn't a berry. Thanks!-+
{?}Sunset flew to where the deisuras were, imideatly, they fled and left the nest behind. Three eggs laid in it. He grabbed them and flew them to the bridge, then went down to drink. A doragonix had pounced on his back, he rolled and the doragonix let go of him. He blew fire at it and it freed into the water and back out. He did his aggro at the other doragonix and it fled. A nest was there and one egg laid. He grabbed it after another drink and flew back to the bridge.{?}
+Sunset- Four eggs! Perfect day, huh?-+
{?}He took a bite on the diesura egg and ate the yolk. It tasted delicious. Sweet, like strawberry milkshake. After her ate the three deisura eggs he went for the doragonix egg, it was sour and bitter, but that didn't stop him{?}
+Aeries- Uhmm... I think it's a bad idea to eat a doragonix egg.-+
+Sunset- Why?-+
+Aeries- Well, doragonixes are poisonous, so sooner or later you'll be poisoned with a terrible bellyache.-+
+Sunset- Oh... Well, you could of warned me- I just ate the whole thing...-+
{?}A dieasura was near him on drinking from the end, we snatched it out of the ground and bit it, killing it and flew back to the bridge{?}
+Sunset- Here's my cure.-+
+Aeries- Smart. It will get rid of the taste and stop your bellyache. But you still need to roll in the mud, then drink for the pond and spit it out in the sand. Don't actually drink the water.-+
{?}It was 12:00. It was time to find Ghibli. They flew and landed on salt flats:{?}
Sonaria's end: Prologue
FantasyThis story is for Roblox players who play creatures of sonaria. This is the "Prologue" of the series, which means you can skip this book and start reading the "Starlit prophecy" (Book 1) Description: It's been a century since Sar'Hingaro went feral...