Chapter 1

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Namikaze Minato, Konoha's yellow flash grits his teeth with obvious anxiousness and annoyance.

The mission had been a success, as Minato expected. It was not arrogance speaking for him, just the stats and facts, and the confidence he had in his skills. He'd been prepared after all, as all good shinobi should be. He'd read his mission more than twenty times and was even able to recite it by heart. He knew what he had to do, calculated the failure percentage as well as the risks and deducted that this should be a walk in the park for an ANBU of his calibre. Again, the figures were speaking, not his arrogance.

However, Minato wasn't yet a seer, and so couldn't have foreseen the unknown variable that were missing-nins crossing his path.

Usually, it wouldn't have been such a problem if Minato had his team with him, or if the missing-nins were two or three – or at least Chunin-level only.

And of course, he had to go and jinx himself and stumble upon a group of five, ranging from high-Chunin to Jounin. Minato could boast all he wanted about his skills and ANBU rank, it didn't mean he couldn't see when he was screwed – or at the very least, in a complicated situation. And whoever thought he was downplaying it... Well, they should just shut up and let him worry about his own ass.

He'd been fighting the five of them all at once for a good ten minutes now, foregoing lethal grace for raw strength in the thin hope of being able to create an opening to escape. Unfortunately, the brawny missing-nins were working as a well-oiled unit, meeting him punch for punch and even drawing first blood. It didn't help that Minato was already spent from his mission and wanted to save his chakra for his escape or to summon a battle toad.

As he was pushed to his last resorts, preparing to unleash one or two rasengan, a huge burst of burning chakra exploded only a few hundred yards from the fighting shinobi – such a gigantic burst that the reddish chakra became visible and almost blinded Minato.

The energy tide washed them and Minato could feel a wave of it travelling through his coils, sending his already swaying body to the ground in a harsh thump. His limps were shaking uncontrollably as if the chakra was too much for his system to handle and if the anguished screams of his enemies were to be believed, he wasn't the only one suffering from this.

The screams slowly died after what could've been minutes or hours, and in the now deadly silence, unsteady steps could be heard, gravels crunching under the feet. Minato struggled to not lose consciousness, trying his hardest to roll onto his back or pull his head up, but his body wasn't responding. Two sandaled feet stopped in his blurry vision field, and before he could say anything or react, darkness finally claimed him, leaving Minato to think that fuck, maybe it was arrogance speaking all along.


When he regained consciousness, body pressed against a soft mattress, Minato fought back the instinct to tense and focused on regulating his breathing, opening up his senses to his surroundings. He can't sense any chakra with him but his instinct told him that there was someone beside him.

"Ah! You're awake!"

Minato tense at the soft but angelic voice, he guardedly cracked open his eyes and was met with beautiful sapphire blue eyes of a woman. He's breath hitch when he was meet with a beautiful woman that seating beside the bed he was laying. Her hair was snowy-white and it flowed over her shoulders to her waist. She had heart shaped strawberry sweet lips. They look like blossom soft. Her pale white skin is as smooth as silk, almost like a porcelain doll, her cheeks are a rosy pink. She had a shapely figure, imp-thin body, wasp-waisted waist, slender eyebrows, her eyelashes were velvety, sea-nymph ears, dainty nose, she had rapture-blue eyes, a soothing voice when she talk to him earlier.

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