Chapter 2

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After about a month staying with Natsumi to heal himself, he get to know more about the woman that save his life. Having Natsumi as company make him ease his tough heart as shinobi sometimes. Natsumi was like an enigma. She is friendly, has a good sense of humor, has a bubbly personality, she is an independent type (When Minato tried to help her for cleaning the house, she politely decline and said that she can still do it, something a 7 month pregnant woman shouldn't do), she has a very soft heart, kind and gentle. In addiction, she is a great cook, something Minato enjoy the most since it's been a while for him to have a homemade cooking and he like having someone to eat with.

Natsumi is very emotional too, (when Minato asked about the father of her unborn child, she started to break down. Something that he been asked where her husband is since he didn't see him at all. He was thinking that maybe the man left her and his unborn child or dead, and seeing the reaction from Natsumi, he chose the latter), it was his big mistake asking that sensitive topic to her when she's pregnant and have a mess up hormone. She will be serious sometimes but most times she will being sarcastic and has no boundaries to make fun of something he embarrassed about.

He can never have a low moment with her as she is such a cheerful lady who always keep his spirits high. She usually a positive person and a good listener toward his problem, she also a supportive person. She is beautiful, attractive, funny, social, lovely and such a sweetheart.

For almost a month, Minato start to have this kind of feeling toward her. Natsumi have been helping him to get back to his shape ever since he's awake, she heal his injured and clean his wound and she even help him change his clothes since he broke his rips and left arm. And he's chakra control also in a mess but he managed to summon Gamatsu to deliver the message for Hokage, telling that he was alright and need time to recovered.

Well, he actually heal enough to travel back to Konoha but he want to stick around a bit more since he was worried of the woman that save him. He actually was curious of Natsumi and want to know her more, he watched Natsumi teach a bunch of children about the basics of chakra with fondness on her face. Watching her was entertaining though so he continue to do so.

He would never admit that he was watching her for safety reasons. She was seven months pregnant and she insisted going everywhere and anywhere her feet could take her. Till this day Minato couldn't believe that it was her who saved him.

There was other thing. How was she so well versed with Konoha's clans? Living with her told him that much. She knew of other ninjutsu taught by the academy, as well. He wanted to ask but at the same time he didn't want to. A small voice at the back of his head always stopped him. What if she was enemy nin? Or a spy? He couldn't betray his village but hurting Natsumi was something he wouldn't be able to do. His face grew grim. He hated to admit that he had grown close to her. He would admit that he grown attached to her, and he don't know why his heartbeat beating to fast whenever Natsumi smile at him or Natsumi sputtered blushing face when he tried to tease her.

Minato swallowed the lump in his throat. He owed her his life and no matter what she told him, he would never be able to hurt her or let anyone from his village do the same. He would ask tonight.

That was the plan but it went down the drain the moment both he and Natsumi sat down for dinner. She smiled, her eyes bright and expressive, staring at him like he was precious. Minato bit back a snarl. He couldn't. Not now when she looked so happy. Oh he knew, how she cried at night sometimes, thinking he was sound asleep. Or how she left the house at times to stay by the river side and let her chakra mourn with her. Minato couldn't do it.

"What's wrong Minato-san? Is the food is not good for your taste?" asked Natsumi concern on her face when she saw he keep playing with the food while her hand was positioned on her bulging belly, caressing it gently. Minato wave his hand tried to ease her concern, "No, no! Nothing like that, Natsumi-san! It just my own thing, I always like that when I was distracted."

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