BCJ 6 • broken

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"What are you so afraid of? It's just a shot of tequila."

Kao grimaced as Pete pushed a shot glass towards his chest, slightly spilling its contents on his shirt.

It was a Friday night so he wasn't expecting to see Pete that day. He was just peacefully doing his job as a waiter at the bar he just got into when Pete and his circle of friends came rushing in. Ever since that night at Pete's unit, he tried his best not to cross paths with him outside of his babysitting job. But there he was standing in front of Pete who had a wide grin on his face.

"I'm at work, Pete. I can't drink," he immediately pushed back the shot glass and attempted to move away from the group but Pete harshly grabbed his arm.

"You're drinking this or I'm gonna tell the owner to remove you from your post," Pete threatened.

"So you're resorting to dirty tricks now, huh? What a way to prove that you're indeed a jerk," Kao spat out as he removed Pete's grip from his arm, earning a stifled laugh from Khai who was just watching them.

That might have offended Pete as he harshly pushed Kao away and headed to the dance floor.

"You really have the guts to talk back to The Ezekiel Pete Ramirez, the Campus Prince, huh?" Khai commented.

"Campus Prince, my ass," he grumbled and went back to his post.

It was a good thing, Pete didn't bother him anymore but Pete would casually glance at him once in a while. He was obviously drunk as he started dirty dancing with the ladies on the dance floor.

Kao just decided to ignore him as what he wanna do with his life was definitely none of his concerns and concentrated on his job so he could leave on time.

"Oh, Kao. Are you clocking out now?" his co-worker Steve asked as he started grabbing his things.

"Yeah. I'll go ahead, then."

He had not seen Pete so he figured that he might have gone home already, but as he was making his way out of the bar, he heard a loud smashing sound followed by a loud laughter.

"You think you can beat me?? I'm Ezekiel Pete Ramirez! No one dares to go against me!"

That was enough to make Kao run to where the voice was coming from. There he saw Pete being surrounded by a group of men who were twice as large as he was. On the ground were shards of broken bottles Pete had smashed earlier.

"Holy shit! Pete, what happened?!"

Kao heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing Khai's voice.

"Owh! Hi, Khai! I thought you went home already?" Pete said in a slurred voice as he was already drunk.

"I just went to the restroom, you idiot."

"Okay, so much for your reunion. Now, just pay for the damages your friend has done to my car and we're good."

We all turned to look at the man before us. Beside him was a car with a broken side mirror and a scratched hood. 

"Who are you? And how can I make sure that my friend did that to your car?" Khai vehemently asked. Pete on the other hand sat on the hood of his car and lit a cigarette stick. Kao immediately went to him and grabbed the stick before Pete could even puff a smoke.

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