Chapter 206: Nakano linkage

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After the first two rounds of the game, there will be a relatively long rest period, and players can go to the backstage to go to the toilet.

The moment Ye Shaoyang pushed open the soundproof room, he was immediately overwhelmed by the deafening sound.

The crowd of fans in the audience are holding up the cheering cards and cheering for ATB. The faces of the fans are still full of smiles, as if ATB will definitely win tonight.

Ye Shaoyang was used to seeing such scenes and turned his head back to the backstage.

Lin Feng got up and greeted him: "The rhythm of the second game is very good, everyone rest first, did you go to the bathroom?"

Cheng Xing nervously ran to the toilet.

Qu Jiang was worried that he would have a problem alone, so he went with him.

Sitting on the chair, Lao Qin exhaled a long breath and said with emotion, "ATB is really powerful. When I was on the line with Han Chengyu, I was under a lot of pressure, and my palms were sweating."

He didn't dare to say this on the field to distract his teammates. During the rest time, he felt much more comfortable when he said it.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and patted Lao Qin on the shoulder: "You played very well today, and you resisted the pressure of the top order. I just like to see Han Chengyu's irritable look who wants to kill you but can't kill you."

Lao Qin laughed and said, "That's true. Every time he thinks he has an opportunity and wants to kill me, he will be counter-killed - who makes our family's single-player field support fast!"

Han Chengyu is very famous in the Korean professional league, and many top laners of the team have been single-killed by him. But Tianhuan's Lao Qin, like an undead **** bull, was extremely resistant to beatings. He failed to kill Lao Qin for several consecutive waves, which was also the key to Tianhuan's stability.

Unconsciously, the unknown Tianhuan top laner has also become the most pressure-resistant wing.

Chi Shuo was very relieved. After Yang Yang joined Tianhuan, everyone in Tianhuan was changing. Even Coach Lin smiled a lot more than before. The score is now 1:1. When he should have been very nervous, Coach Lin was holding his notebook with a smile, bowing his head and not knowing what to study.

Chi Shuo asked, "Coach, how will we play in the next game?"

Coach Lin said, "Let go and fight!"

Three people: "..."

At this moment, Qu Jiang and Cheng Xing, who quickly solved the internal emergency, came back.

Coach Lin then became serious: "The first two rounds are 1:1, and the next is a brand new BO3. Everyone relax and play seriously. I believe that as long as everyone plays their role well, our tactics will definitely win."

The coach's words can also be regarded as a reassurance for the players.

Tianhuan's coaching staff had been studying ATB as early as during the domestic competition. In the past few days, they had arranged a few lineups specifically for them, and referred to the opinions of Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo, and integrated the systems they were good at.

Coach Lin was originally worried that the finalists would make mistakes when they were nervous.

Now that I look at it, I'm really worried.

One by one, the performance is even better than usual!

Coach Lin looked at Xiang Ye Shaoyang: "In the third game, let's kill Park Yuanxi and break through directly from the middle! The Korean media didn't call him the world's No. 1 mid laner, saying that our Yangyang won the individual championship because Park Yuanxi didn't participate. Did you miss it? Prove it to them, whether your individual championship is a miss."

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