Flirting For Freedom

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[Author's Notes]


Why hello there, everybody! It's been quite a while since I've returned to Wattpad with anything tasty ever since I finished Partners In Crime! I've been busy relaxing ever since concluding the story as well as enjoying the summertime! However, that's not to say my mind hasn't been swelling with ideas and today's the day where I return to prove that!

Okay, drama aside, I've been thinking about this for a fairly long time now and that happens to be the simple question of... "What if Mr. Wolf had to plead for his freedom under the watch of Diane Foxington? Especially with him having his plea answered in return for performing community service under her guidance?" - If you're catching my drift then you'll already know that I have quite an obvious way of incorporating metaphors.

The immovable shall meet the inexorable today. With Mr. Wolf remaining quite stubborn in his beliefs and unable to be persuaded by anything Foxington throws at him whilst Diane is unwilling to cave in to Wolf's demands to merely let him earn his freedom by serving his time in jail like the rest of his jailmates considering him being the leader apparently makes no difference in his mind...

Unbeknownst to him, Foxington sees it as all of the difference necessary to punish him with a special type of community service.

Alright, before I get carried away with writing the synopsis and rambling like I always do, I should probably let you all move onto reading this, huh?

Without further ado... Naidvar proudly presents to you:


Flirting For Freedom


A humble, sunkissed morning greeted the quintuple of formerly crafty criminals who rested peacefully inside of their bunk beds... All except for Tarantula, who took it upon herself to sleep on the ceiling as opposed to anywhere conventional. Although such little sun was permitted to enter their cell due to Tarantula's nimble body alongside her ability to squeeze out of tight spaces, there was still a hatch nearing the ceiling at the back of the room which was designed to look like a storm drain which allowed some light to enter as well as some scenery to be spotted if you were brave enough to cling onto the wall for long periods of time.

It was six in the morning, the usual time that the prisoners were expected to awaken inside of California's Correctional Facility. Whilst the past year had flown by and The Bad Guys had endured all two Californian seasons which happened to be summer and winter, the last night inside of Prison happened to be the most tedious as well as dragged on for the longest.

Mr. Snake was unable to get to sleep until two in the morning as opposed to the expected curfew and standard rest time which happened to be ten o'clock at night due to his frivolous thoughts about the good life and the adventures that he would undertake. As someone who was stubbornly opposed to this lifestyle, an inexorable individual who maintained his footing for remaining a crook until the very end; he happened to be the one who had gotten accustomed to prison life the most whilst making friends out of the guards.

Meanwhile, for the others who sought not to ponder as much, they saw themselves falling asleep at ten o'clock sharp. In contrast to Mr. Snake, the rest of The Bad Guys thought it was practical to theorise and discuss what they would do once they were free in the morning as opposed to allowing a world of uncertainty to roam around within their minds.

As Shark fidgeted around in his bed and caused the steel to creek from across the room all the while Snake played the dangerous game of sleeping beneath him, Mr Wolf slept on the bottom bunk which was housed on a stone slab all the while Piranha was rewarded with the luxury of a mattress. This aforementioned fidgeting was a pivotal sign that freedom was near for soon the buzzer of freedom would enlighten their ears and jump-start their eager minds for a day filled with excitement.

Mr. Wolf found himself clinging to his blankets as his eyes flickered open for the first time since the previous night, his mind still primarily obsessed with the dreams he was experiencing at that moment. Diane Foxington, the governor of California, had become a gigantic presence inside of his mind ever since she vowed to reduce the collective sentence of the crooks from three years down to a meagre one year for good behaviour.

The crafty canine, being the somewhat persuasive figure he is whenever he isn't fighting a war with his confidence issues, was able to convince the fantastic fox who had motivated him to reduce their sentence based on the fact that they had become somewhat of a public sensation. It was quite a far-flung idea as Wolf was unsure of what occurred beyond the walls of the prison yet he nailed the mark as he still recalls the moment Foxington remarked that people were beginning to call their sentencing a disgrace when they had already redeemed themselves for foiling Professor Marmalade's plans.

Of course, Wolf also persuaded her into displaying a sense of firmness against the public; stating that he alongside his crew did steal a lot of other things and that redemption alone is not enough to warrant his full release from jail extremely early. A compromise was made, they received their year of incarceration in exchange for early freedom and a silencing of protests... Today was the day where Mr. Wolf's ambitious plan would pay off, bridging the gap between the relief of being free and the agony of remaining imprisoned.

Wolf, prideful of his work, continuously dreamed about it alongside the few interactions he had with the governor. Admittedly, he had developed a slight crush on the governor and was unsure if she truly liked him back; yet he admitted to himself that she must've felt something to talk with him the way she did back when he was caught at the Golden Dolphin Award Ceremony. Furthermore, Diane's persistent meandering regarding their imprisonment and their regular visits during the phone booth to speak to Wolf directly about things happening on the outside strengthened his claim to these feelings being mutual.

Unfortunately, for him, as he pondered inside of his own mind whilst remaining half-awake, he would be jolted awake by the rather unflattering sound of freedom.


At this moment, he, alongside the entirety of his allies and childhood friends, shot awake and immediately landed with grace on the floor before Wolf and Shark ended up falling back onto the stone slabs that made up half of the bunk beds on either side of this adequately spacious yet grey-walled room. Admittedly, they had become desensitised to the dullness of this desolate grey wall as well as the story behind some of the gashes staining the walls. Fortunately, this room would no longer be their residence for it was liberation day for everybody involved.

"RISE AND SHINE, EVERYBODY! ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER SET OF HOURS SPENT REFLECTING ON YOUR VILLAINOUS DEEDS! UP YOU GET! ANOTHER GRACEFUL MEAL AWAITS YOU IN THE CAFETERIA!" The warden, an ex-military sergeant who never stated his name yet towered over everyone who was incarcerated at six foot eight inches tall, ran his baton against the bars of everybody serving time inside of the prison complex, rattling the ears of everyone as he walked past. "WE'VE GOT A SPECIAL CEREMONY TODAY AS THE BAD GUYS ARE STEPPING FOOT OUT OF HERE AS THEY'VE SET AN EXAMPLE FOR EVERYONE!" This warden would later stare into the cell of The Bad Guys, who eagerly looked out of their cells with hope painted on their faces.

"EVERYBODY INSIDE OF THIS CELL IS EXPECTED TO SKIP THE BREAKFAST RUSH AND HEAD IMMEDIATELY FOR THE CHECKOUT OFFICES! DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE OR ELSE YOU WILL END UP BACK IN THIS CELL!" He screamed into the cell as he unlocked the door manually, marking the earliest they had left the cell and by that they managed to leave around five minutes before the automatic system unlocked the cell doors. "Mr. Wolf... You're expected to head to the offices like the others but the governor is here and she wants a word with you..." Mr. Wolf raised his eyebrow in confusion yet before he could inquire, he was practically forced out of the cell to a standing ovation by the rest of the half-awake prison members.

"Oh, man! I am going to miss you all! It's been a pleasure making everyone's acquaintance!" Mr. Piranha bowed as he waddled along the concrete floor of the prison, approaching the doors which would lead into much quieter corridors with the icy gazes of the guards meeting him.

"You guys will get out of here eventually! Keep working on yourself, y'all!" Ms. Tarantula sat atop Shark's shoulder as she shouted into the crowd of prisoners rattling their cell doors.

"This- this is gonna make me get all emotional, man! I'm gonna miss everyone here!" Mr. Shark shed several tears as he made his way towards the double doors which sat at the end of the main hall.

"If you're responsible for stealing the spoons for my yoghurt then just know that your sentence will most likely be extended when you're released! I'm so glad to be free but I am still going to think about you all!" Mr. Snake admittedly had a more narcissistic take on exiting the prison all the while Mr. Wolf was sat as the last one to say anything meaningful.

"To be continued!" Wolf merely turned around, looked back and saluted to everyone with his paw as he moonwalked backwards and into the eerily silent corridor all the while the double doors were slammed shut behind them, the pair being greeted by a beige corridor illuminated by white lights instead. "I wonder what Governor Foxington wants with me at such an early hour in the morning... I best not be staying here for any longer than I want to be. I'm getting out of here at eight o'clock just like the rest of you!" Wolf immediately speculated as he alongside the rest of his friends wandered through the elongated corridor.

"She probably wants to give you a kiss or something for surviving prison, don't you two have a bond between one another? I mean, I see the pair of you always talking in that phone booth," Mr. Snake curiously inquired, which is where Mr. Wolf instantly came under the gaze of Tarantula as she turned to face him with an assuming smirk staining her face.

"Yeah! It wouldn't surprise me if you got to leave extra early considering you seem to be her favourite... She's probably waited a long time for this day and wants to be here early for it!" Tarantula was on the verge of snickering thanks to the fact that out of everybody in the gang, she was the one who caught onto the budding relationship between Wolf and Foxington first. "Oh! Wolf! Please! Kiss me because you're free!" Tarantula's impression of Foxington was spot on and prompted everyone to let off a howl's worth of laughter.

"Hahah!~ Very funny, guys! As much as I want to play the optimism card from my poker deck, I can't help but see this as a bad sign... I mean, you know how Foxington is. She's quite busy and she's currently rebuilding part of the city that was struck by the meteorite, at least from what I know. If she wanted to make a stop by, she would arrive at eight o'clock to pick us up together; she's not one to make things personal by nature unless something bad is heading our way," Wolf lowered his ears after a few thoughts that were more in-tune with reality flew across his mind. "It wouldn't surprise me if I'm meant to stay in here for longer considering I was the leader of the group... I mean, you guys just got dragged alone with me for my crazy adventure!"

"Nonsense! It was our crazy adventure, Wolf! It was an adventure that certainly taught me the value of friendship and dignity! Plus, for the first time, I'm actually comfortable with the fact that it's my birthday!" Snake slithered around with an oddly chipper smile on his face. "We're getting free from prison on this day, I've got the skin of a reptile half my age; there's no need for pessimism, Wolf! I bet this news will be fantastic!" At that moment, Snake caught sight of none other than Diane Foxington standing at the receptionists office, pointing towards a room with a pen as well as a clipboard stacked with papers as she glared at Wolf. "Maybe not-"

"Thank you for the beaming rays of optimism, Snakey! I'll catch you on the other side if I survive this!" Almost immediately, Wolf found himself being separated from his pack of friends as a guard opened up a thick steel door which led into Interrogation Room 0. This room had a legacy for housing methods of interrogation which were of the uttermost diabolical calibre. "So... Foxington?" Wolf nervously looked down at the vixen, who pushed him into the interrogation room, whispered something to the guard which resulted in him surrendering the key to her as she then brought the door shut all whilst the guard retreated to the staff lounge.

"Wolf," Foxington paused as she chained up the door behind her, dimmed the light with the dimmer switch before hastily locking the three locks which guarded this black steel door. Interrogation Room 0 had no natural light seeping in, no window for others to look in from... The only thing populating the room was a centrepiece in which handcuffs would be tied around, a steel table which was painted black to match the melancholic theme of this dreaded grey box alongside two heavy chairs which would house the buttocks of those being interrogated alongside the commanding force prying the information from their victim. "Today's the day where you seemingly earn your freedom after spending a year in prison... You must be excited, am I right?" Foxington's enchanting emerald eyes delivered a cut through Wolf's confidence like a warm knife against butter as her commanding and cold voice filled his thundercloud grey ears.

"I mean, I was excited before ending up in this decrepit room... Something tells me my freedom is a mile away still considering you've done enough favours for me and I doubt there will be another that you whip out from behind those bushy ears of yours, am I right?" Wolf tried to remain as confident as possible as Diane placed a paw on her hip, raised her eyebrow and let off an arrogant smile. "That's a no-"

"You may have earned your friends freedom with your plea for a year's worth of jail time as opposed to three- I can't believe you still cloonied me into that one... Yet my peers are breathing down my neck, namely the Chief of Police; as they view me as going soft against one of the largest threats to peace in history," Foxington pointed towards the seat as she looked Wolf up and down. "Take a seat," She instructed, with Wolf following suit shortly thereafter by grunting before slamming his butt down on the steel platform which would become his seat for the foreseeable future.

"That doesn't make any sense, though... We've proved ourselves innocent by serving our time, the rest of the guys are getting out Scot-free so why am I here signing waivers and negotiating with Governor Foxington? If anyone wanted me to stay in here, it would be the Chief of Police directly! Not an envoy from yourself as I know these matters typically don't concern you," Wolf thought he was seeing through Foxington's tricks, if any. "I'm sorry, Foxington, you've been a tremendous help to me but why suddenly bow down to the Chief of Police when you outclass their authority? What? Did you become a puppet behind those conversations we had through telephones and glass?" Mr. Wolf was visibly irritated as he was taking jabs at his own crush, he assumed his pursuit of freedom was clean-cut yet the one person he saw as an ally for so long was seemingly stabbing him in the back in favour of the authorities.

"Excuse me? I am trying to get you out of this situation if you'd hear me out instead of assuming bad things because I picked the first interrogation room! Ugh!~" Foxington placed her paw around her forehead, finally took a seat herself before slamming her clipboard infested with paperwork onto the desk. "I know! You're probably annoyed or frustrated that you can't be granted a clean ticket to freedom like the rest of the gang-"

"You've got that right!"

"But with the politics behind everything that's happening- agh! They want to sentence you to community service! They are already thinking about bringing you up to a secondary court hearing... I may be the Governor but there's nothing I can do when it comes to people financially backing the law, the educational institutes and the security sector. If I don't do something and just let you roam the streets free as the leader of The Bad Guys- this could threaten my political career and the climate of California!" Foxington did her best to persuade Mr. Wolf with her initial sales pitch yet the crafty canine was having none of it.

"So, you're telling me I've got to sacrifice part of my freedom to please those who have massive wallets? Diane! All they want is revenge for the fact they lost their valuable possessions now that the state probably controls all of the loot that I gave up... You know how revenge works. You wanted revenge against those who saw you as the tricky fox yet you ended up becoming one as the Crimson Paw. I wanted revenge for the fact that everyone underestimated me and my group of friends- look where it got us!" Wolf slammed his fist onto the table in mild anger. "You had to suck up your pride and wear a power suit and I spent a year in prison- and I'm lucky it's just a year but once you start apologising and bowing down to people, they sense weakness and start pouncing on you like piranhas sensing blood!" Wolf's words froze Diane, although her intentions were a lot more devious than what was on the surface; she was admittedly shook by Wolf's powerful words to the point where she had to take a step back to admire him.

"Wow..." Foxington gazed upon Wolf with intrigue and a slightly altered perspective compared to when she entered the room. "Prison really did change you for the better and you did learn your lesson, huh..." Diane gave off a brittle sigh before letting her smirk fly across the room and into Wolf's glimmering brown eyes as her royal blue suit shined against the sunrise orange jumpsuit that presently coated Mr. Wolf. "Well, politics are unfortunately politics and I can't exactly prove anything to those who constantly look upon anything to curiously scrutinise. If they want proof that you've changed, then I will have to show the world that you are willing to do some community service. However, as the Governor of California... I can make that community service whatever my heart desires to punish you as the leader of the dastardly Bad Guys," Foxington gave Wolf a stare that instantly prompted him to break a sweat and form a mighty blush that spread across his cheeks for his dreams had been foretelling something similar occurring ever since he got inside of these fair prison walls.

"Oh, really? You're still going to punish me for all I've done? For proving that I've changed, that this system works and you can turn crooks into productive members of society? I've got to prove to those who turned their backs against me the instant the meteorite was stolen at the Gala For Goodness and to the world that I'm more than just a crook who lounged around in prison but that I've evolved for the better?" Admittedly, the rage that was contained within Mr. Wolf had shot up his blood pressure so high to the point where an increasingly less subtle bulge began to emerge and erupt from beyond the confines of his jumpsuit. "How do you plan on proving that to the world... More importantly, what sort of community service do I need to undertake?" For once in her life, Foxington felt herself knocked off her feet as she was unsure of how to convey the twist within this whole request about community service and why she had isolated Wolf to begin with.

"You know, you're aware that the world likes you and considers you a sensation. They look forward to your return to the streets, especially considering that you make quite a nice band whenever you're not busy performing grand heists... Let's just say that the politicians are my feelings, the money behind my motives happens to be the doubt and the community service is your way of proving that you've changed, Wolfie~" Foxington found herself standing up whilst leaning over the desk, her black tie hanging in front of her chest alongside drawing Wolf's attention more than the fact that he swore that beyond her blue blazer and undershirt, he could catch sight of her hardened nipples eagerly awaiting his attention. "You know, at the Gala... I did say that I liked the new you and that I was proud of you for becoming comfortable in your own fur. You've yet to prove how comfortable you truly are and if you've improved since evolving from your deceitful ways~" Diane bit on the black lining that was present around her furry orange muzzle all the while her jade eyes twinkled at the sight of Wolf suddenly fidgeting as well as attempting to suppress his blush before her.

"Heh~ is that all I've got to do? I've got to prove to the Governor that I'm not going to be performing any more grand heists, stealing any more cars or robbing anyone of their jewels?" Wolf folded up his paws, placed his elbows on the table whilst scooting the chair forward before confidently leaning towards Foxington's captivating gaze. "I promise to be a good boy and to behave in public but you should know that all criminals still keep hold of that mindset in one way or another. I might not be stealing anything of value... But I know I've performed a heist on your heart, I've stolen your soul and your jewels alongside your palace are prime real estate for a ravishing robbery~" The cunning canine took a moment to lean back into his chair to position his brown shoes against the table, to place his paws behind his head and wink at Diane as she grew redder by the second.

"You know, I don't know if this is meant to be a reward or a way to have me work for my freedom but you know what... I don't think I'm going to fuss~" Wolf interjected whilst continuing to observe Diane's flustered attitude for she surely wasn't expecting that to emerge from her companion's mouth. Sure, she had arrived with the proposal of satisfying herself with a short-term community sentence to relieve an urge she had been experiencing for a year as well as to reward Wolf privately yet she couldn't help but be impressed alongside aroused by her good boy.

"Do you really think you can clooney me that easily, Wolf? I'm going to have to see some passion behind your words before you vow to serve your sentence..." Without even needing to be prompted, with her eyes peering down to Wolf's legs, all it took was Wolf bringing his chair back and spreading his legs a slight degree for Foxington to gather a rather vivid image of Wolf's passion despite the jumpsuit obstructing the true power of her imagination. "How long have you been wanting this, you naughty pup?" Foxington questioned the canine all the while she felt a torrent of dampness run across her slit as well as a patch of wetness stain her panties from beyond her slacks.

"Preferably, I would've gotten this sort of sentence when I had gotten home or to the nearest hotel room but if this is your way of getting me to prove that I'm worthy of freedom then I might as well display my honesty with you as opposed to being treacherous... I've wanted this since I was locked away in here, it was the ONE THING binding me to these walls. You know, I could've escaped easily if we all worked together but I accepted that remaining would lead to a more favourable reward and well..." Wolf leaned forwards as he peered at Foxington's breasts through her undershirt. "Looks like reward day has finally arrived~"

"Mmm~ not so fast, pup," Foxington climbed up onto the desk, kneeling over the table as she placed her fingers around the first of many buttons that would need to be undone for Wolf to get the sight he had always dreamed of. "You promise to never commit a crime other than robbing your Governor of her dignity, correct?" Wolf's response was an aggressively quick nod as his tongue slowly but surely slipped from his mouth whilst Diane took the time to unbutton two of her buttons at the top of her undershirt. "You promise to remain loyal to the oath you made the fateful day you were arrested, right? The promise that you'll never run away?"

"Oh, baby... That's the easiest oath I could ever take!" Wolf leaned forward with his paws caressing Diane's sides alongside her extremely curvy waist as she witnessed her loosen up three more buttons, exposing a small black dagger that she had tattooed onto her cleavage that sat atop her right breast.

"And finally... You promise to plead for your freedom for me, that you confront and accept the fact that you're a changed man. Your punishment has been served, your lesson has been learned and that you shall never stray towards your manipulative ways again, right?" Diane loosened up one more button before positioning her paws around her undershirt in preparation to rip the rest of it down for her pleading pup. "That you not only acknowledge that the time you've served was done so is in pursuit of a better life for yourself and for your friends... But also to prove to me that those second chances are priceless..." Foxington knelt down whilst straightening her posture as Wolf's hands slipped down from her side to instead caress her thighs as she put some strain on her undershirt, awaiting her answer from none other than Wolf himself.

"I promise to plead for my freedom, I promise to work for my future; I promise to prove to you that you're priceless and that second chances can work miracles... I promise that your trash has been recycled into something beautiful~" At that moment, Foxington ripped her shirt as white buttons flew across the room all the while her shirt ripped and Wolf's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "You like what you see, don't you?~" Diane bore witness to Wolf's bulge further expanding from within the confines of his jumpsuit until his member reached its limit all the while his tail softly wagged in excitement as he sought to cup her cream-coloured breasts which blended elegantly with the rest of her orange fur; her nipples radiating a beautiful blend between cream and the wondrous orange glow her fur bestowed upon him.

As Wolf's muzzle opened up in disbelief, his eyes scanned her bare front to observe another black tattoo of several shurikens running across her abdomen all the while a star with two outlines centred her bellybutton all before his grey, fluffy and comforting paws ran across her warm, soft, soothing and plump breasts. Diane's tremendous tits were the balance between plus size and remaining modest, with them representing nobility at its finest. Her nipples were plush and puffy whilst her breasts were squeezed with ease by Mr. Wolf's superior sized hands as he was able to wrap around the entirety of her pride.

He took a moment to gaze up towards Foxington as she knelt atop the steel desk, feeling the coldness he had experienced from his time in prison melt away as Diane's warmth coursed through his veins with the entrypoint being none other than her wondrous breasts that warmed more than his heart, member and soul yet also entertained his desires. He had never held any expectations for Foxington, yet seeing that she was modelled after a tale of imperfection whilst wielding a seemingly perfect gift was astonishing to him.

"D-do I like what I see, sweetheart?" Wolf nonchalantly dropped a pet name which immediately prompted Foxington to feel fuzzy on the inside. "Your breasts are perfect and you have no idea how much I've fantasised about massaging them for so long... You like that, my frivolous foxy? The way your ex-convict feels up your breasts as you tease him with freedom?~" Diane was unable to resist Wolf's demeanour and let off a soft moan as she dropped down from her knees and instead sat with her legs spread in front of Wolf all whilst allowing him to continue caressing her.

"Mhm~ Fuck this feels so wrong but at the same time... I've been yearning for this as long as you have, Wolfie. You're technically still a criminal and aren't meant to be putting your paws on authority figures like this, you naughty mutt~" Foxington leaned forward before allowing her pulsing pussy to subtly shutter, fixating her gaze on Wolf as her ears pointed into the air and she unleashed a pleased wink. "Then again... I shouldn't be handling my idea of a community sentence in such an unprofessional way. Fortunately for you, pup... I'm the Governor and I make the rules around here~"

"Ooh, is that so? Is there a rule against criminals fondling the waists of their lovers whilst in prison? I know you wouldn't be submitting your breasts to me if you didn't wish for something more... Permanent~" Wolf's grey paws slipped down to Foxington's sides once again, squeezing her all the while paws of his movements prompted the undersides of her breasts to wiggle, prompting an immense amount of euphoria to radiate across the vixen's form.

"You're aware vixens only pick one mate for life, right? I've been waiting for this transformation for a long time. A wolf such as yourself who knows how to make a statement against the world, one with leadership powers and one that shares parallels with my past?" Foxington spread her legs further for Wolf as she squirmed on the spot due to him reaching behind and tensing up part of her awe-inspiring ass. "You're not only mate-worthy, you're commitment worthy, too~ Everyone gets through their troubled times, including you and I... It's about time we rewarded ourselves for turning our lives around, am I right?~" Diane soon slipped onto the lap of Wolf as she wrapped her arms around him, sitting before him as she rubbed her eager pussy against Mr. Wolf's throbbing bulge for the first of many times as they sat inside of this seemingly unassuming interrogation room.

"Who knew being a crook could be so rewarding, especially when you find yourself on the right side after being disciplined... You know, the pair of us share more in common than you'd think. I mean, we did end up on the right side thanks to reflection, hm?" Wolf licked his lips before winking at Diane, bringing his hands down to her backside for the first time as she eagerly eyed up his jumpsuit. "I'd say being away with my thoughts and friends for a year has taught me quite a bit about commitment... And that I admire you more than I thought~"

"Mmm~ Wolfie... Are you saying you can bond with my criminal side as much as my heroic side? Because I've been looking for THAT confession for a while now~" Diane rubbed part of her suit which was housing her vixen vagina across Wolf's bulge for the first time, her face reddening with every thrust she delivered as Wolf found himself slowly losing his composure.

"I can bond with your criminal side because you've got experience with getting dirty and I can bond with your heroic side because you're helping me flirt my way to freedom... It's not quite like bamboozling my way to freedom but I'd say you saw something different when I suggested we appeal our sentencing and move it from three years to one~" Wolf seduced Foxington on the spot by squeezing her buttocks whilst firmly gritting his teeth. "Something about rescheduling this day and making sure it arrives sooner rather than later, huh?~"

"Oh, you bad boy... How dare you read my mind so easily- and I thought I had my secrets contained!" Foxington sarcastically quipped as her paws wrapped around the top of his jumpsuit. "Meh, it's not like you've been trying any better than I have to hide anything!" Diane energetically ripped off the top half of Wolf's jumpsuit, prompting him to let out a bewildered gasp as his rather toned chest, light-grey fur and subtle yet defined abs came into Foxington's view. "Have you been working out to impress me?" She inquired whilst feeling herself brewing a humid storm containing her heat beneath her panties.

"Believe it or not, I used to be more toned but you know; prison can be a little bit limiting... Up until today. You could call this my liberation day and my way of flirting my way to freedom. I think the best part, my dear Diane..." Wolf slipped his paws around Diane's waistband as she let off a gentle moan in anticipation. "The best part is the fact that I don't even have to try; yet again, another heist has fallen into my lap~" Foxington let off a squeak as she did her best to shift her momentum as well as her smaller paws down to Wolf's bulge which was nested between his legs.

"And you know damn well that this is the best jewel that you've ever stolen, isn't that right? A jewel crafted from amber and accompanied by jade? - A jewel designed specifically for you, hm?~" Foxington put her flirt on as she fluttered her eyelids several times and lifted up her glasses to get a purer view on the world. "Every jewel has to be cut, my crafty crook... And I wonder if you've got the tool for the job~" Diane smirked as she lowered her paws to the point where her own were wrapped around Wolf's waist, laying in wait for the big reveal to commence.

"Well, my slutty governor... Why don't you go ahead and find out what sort of jewel cutting operation this pup of yours is running, hm?" Wolf bit his lip before sternly glancing upon Foxington's eyes, hoping to intimidate her. "You are well aware of the strength needed to cut some of those gems to sell them on the black market without getting caught and so I encourage you to test my might, darling~" The conman canine let off a little cackle as his paws started slipping down the panties as well as slacks of Foxington all the while she worked her way with stripping down Wolf fully.

As Wolf tugged down and eagerly gazed between Foxington's legs in anticipation of witnessing her precious pussy pop out before her, Foxington eagerly awaited the sight of Wolf's beautiful member as she continued to slide his jumpsuit down... Eventually, the pair of them met a stalemate in which Wolf's pulsating penis was less than an inch away from being revealed all the while Foxington's enchanting entrance was a millimetre from entering their sight.

The pair of lavish lovers gazed up towards one another, licked their lips and soon pulled down each other's respective attire, with Foxington's suit soon falling to her knees all the while Wolf's jumpsuit was dropped to his ankles. Before Foxington's sight was a marvel of the criminal world standing in front of her very eyes, Wolf's member must've stretched at least six inches which was six inches too big in her mind. Foxington, retrospectively, would've been satisfied by anything considering the shameful size of her pussy, of which Wolf was presently staring at.

On the other hand, her canine companion immediately felt his mouth water due to the amount of heat covering the pink slit which the vixen had to reveal beneath her trimmed down cream-like fur. Wolf couldn't personally tell if her fur was supposed to be cream-coloured or if it was thanks to her pouring heat into her panties due to her anticipatory excitement. He watched as her humbly sized clit glowed red in a desperate attempt to be acknowledged all the while she let off a contraction, dripping further onto her mildly puffy pussy lips as well as part of her panties.

As Foxington gazed upon the sight of Wolf's canine cock, wishing to have it stuffing her holes at the very moment, Mr. Wolf graced the small puddle of heat that had gathered in Diane's pink panties as he slid them down to the floor and eventually helped her with kicking them aside. It only took a second of silence between them before Foxington returned the gesture by stripping Wolf of his jumpsuit, ensuring that his naked glory was the only thing she graced.

"Talk about being comfortable in your own fur, Wolf~" Foxington remarked whilst beaming a delighted stare directly at Wolf's veiny, juicy and delicious member.

"Ooh~ you can say the same thing about yourself, Foxy~" Wolf positioned his hands around Diane's waist as he pulled her forward up until the warmth of her divine slit as well as part of her heat collided with his shaft as she winced upon feeling Wolf's member against her. "Go ahead, if you're so confident in claiming me the moment I'm destined to be set free then I'm all yours. Reward your crook for surviving prison whilst claiming him as yours before he steps foot out of prison~" As per Wolf's instructions, Diane wrapped both of her paws around his shoulders; pinning him against the chair in the process as he had free reign over his huge tool.

"Mph... You've got no idea how much I've dreamed about this. I've run campaigns for this, I've invented things back at home to express my pleasure for you as my mate... I even got you a job and one that you'll be good at in exchange for you coming home every night and relieving your governor of her stresses on those busy days. Now, you love the idea of that, don't you? Mm~" The instant Diane's petite pussy collided with Wolf's tip for the first time whilst she lathered him up with her heat, Wolf couldn't ignore the orchestra of pleasure already erupting from between their legs as his ears rose up into the air and his tail briefly wagged. "That's right, my good boy... Do you hear that? Do you hear how wet I am for you, Wolf? Or should I say... My predator?"

"Oh!~ Now you're just flattering me, Foxington! Although I'm not opposed to getting a personal favour from my prey... I mean you vixens are more known to be cautious to those around them as everything can prey on you... Including this big bad wolf of yours~" To match Foxington's teasing as she lathered his colossal cock up with her comforting heat as well as her glistening cum, he rose up his paws and toyed with Foxington's needy nipples all the while making her blush with how he made her breasts bounce purely thanks to the soft thrusts he delivered to her slippery slit. "That's right, my beautiful bitch... You just keep lathering me up until you feel like I'm yours to play with as I toy with your beautiful breasts, just don't mind me doing this to entertain myself in the meantime~"

To Foxington's delight and simultaneous surprise, she found herself being captivated by a soothing kiss which was delivered by Wolf to her cheek... To reciprocate the favour whilst teasing herself and preparing for the inevitable, she wrapped her muzzle around her canine lover's own before diving deep into a sensual, spiritually exciting and sly kiss. As the pair of lovers furthered their kiss, Foxington found herself becoming increasingly breathless and red before she inevitably broke away with a hearty blush surrounding her face.

"AH!~ O-OH Y-YES!~ MMM!~" Foxington seductively whimpered as she gripped hold of Wolf's cock whilst raising herself up from his lap and hovered over his trembling tip with her extravagant entrance waiting to claim him. "I believe something warm, tight and wet is ready to greet you, my cunning criminal... Are you ready to experience a taste of freedom?" All Diane received in response was an eager nod from her panting canine, who couldn't help but feel blissful thanks to the experience at hand as he beamed a prideful smile across the room.

"As ready as you are to reward me with more than a taste but a feel, too~" Wolf replied with his confidence in his composure immediately shrinking as his tip was wrapped around by Diane's tiny, tight and creamy entrance. After just putting in the tip, Wolf felt like he was in a state of bliss as he panted rapidly all the while Foxington released several whimpers as she struggled to fit Wolf inside of her. "Aah!~ Fuck! You're so tight, Diane! How do you do it?~" He felt as if his cock was being constricted by her humid wrath as she slid lower and lower, feeling every vein grace her entrance as well as fill her with glory all before eventually reaching the bottom of his shaft; immediately coating him with heat as she practically felt his tip inside of her womb.

"AAH!~ How's that for a taste of freedom, my good boy?" Foxington raised up her paw to deliriously pat her lover's head, scratching him behind his ears as she sought to give Wolf some extra motivation before she went down on him. "And, smart pup... You know there's a lot more to come than just a taste of freedom~" Diane lifted herself up as she clung to his shoulders before bouncing back down on Wolf's marvellous member, prompting the pair of them to release ecstatic moans before Diane softly lifted herself up again before lowering herself down to establish a rhythm.

"HAH!~ Oh FUCK does it feel like bliss to have this happen to me! I never knew my dreams could be accurate to how this feels- it feels almost TOO good! Let me guess, that- AH!~ tightness is from your duties as being governor, hm?~" Wolf delivered a sly joke to Foxington as she let off a pout throughout her moans as with each soft bounce came the slap of her pitiful pussy against the very same jewels that would be inflating her insides with cum by the time she was done.

"Or it's the fact that I haven't touched myself since I last saw you... Which was three days ago. You know, it can get a little lonely back at home but I know that today, you're going to assist me with destressing beyond belief- AAH!~" Foxington released a set of winces as she finally found herself in control of a rhythm which saw her already aching due to how massive Wolf was yet tingling tremendously as she felt her heat leaking over his colossal cock as she was stretched from within. "I-I know it's a myth but... You might actually loosen me up a bit- AH!~ UNH!~"

"Then how about you- MM~ shut up and prove it, hm?~" At that moment, the pair of them wrapped their lips around one another and found themselves moaning into the other's mouth, their intimacy only fuelling their connection as the pair felt the warmth of the other's fur against them. Diane felt as if her pitiful pussy was housing an immaculate invader all the while Wolf was in paradise due to him pulling off the heist of a century.

Foxington soon shuddered due to the rhythm that she was maintaining, her pussy in full overdrive mode for pleasing Wolf as she started soaking him with her own fluids far before she was done. Diane felt as if she was being violated thanks to how much Wolf was squeezing, slapping and toying with her tits yet every single part of what she was engaging in felt so right as well as amazingly appropriate considering the amount of patience she was forced to carry alongside her to reach this day.

"O-OAH!~ W-WOLF!~ Y-YOU'RE S-SO MASSIVE AND PASSIONATE!" Foxington broke away from her kiss as she bounced on her lover's cock erratically, her vision blurring a slight bit as her body was rocked due to the amount of energy she was expending on bouncing upon Wolf's form. With each bounce, she felt the inside of her vagina slowly stretching to accommodate Wolf whilst becoming comfortable with his size. "Y-YOU'VE GOT NO IDEA! NO IDEA HOW MUCH I'VE CRAVED THIS! AAAH!~" Diane was admittedly planning out how to keep her composure yet she felt as if the opposite was in order now that she was liberating her lover whilst allowing him to flirt for freedom.

"AAH!~ DIANE! Y-YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD GIRL! HAH!~ S-SHIT!~ IF YOU DON'T PACE YOURSELF, THE BOTH OF US ARE GONNA CUM FASTER THAN- OOH!~ WE CAN SAVOUR IT!" Wolf panted erratically as Foxington dripped into the space between his thighs, his entire cock drenched in a creamy substance produced by his vixen lover made especially for him. "MMM!~ Baby!~ Keep drenching my cock, that's my good vixen... Reward your crook for all of the crimes he committed and for dedicating his pursuit of freedom to you and you only!"

"A-AAH!~ Y-You did this for me? For this? OOH!~ You're damn right you deserve this, my conman! But we all know I have another way to make a mark, Wolfie~" Foxington slowed her rhythm by a slight bit to allow herself to cling onto Wolf's neck, leaving behind a mark in the form of a hickey and a soft bite mark to remind him of his place. "If I had brought a- AH- leash and collar, I'd b-be calling you- MM~ m-mine right now! Good boy!~ AHAH!~"

"Mmm~ trying to claim me as your mate due to instincts before we're even done, you frisky bitch? That's a little naughty of you, Diane~" Wolf wrapped a paw around Foxington's buttocks, rubbing it gently before spanking it roughly, allowing a gigantic moan to escape her muzzle. "NAUGHTY GIRL!~ MMMM!~"

"UNH!~ BUT I'M YOUR NAUGHTY GIRL, AREN'T I? YOUR CRIMSON PAW?~" Diane was enlightened by Wolf's blissful slapping off her ass, truly reminding her of her place as her ass jiggled all the while bouncing into Wolf's firm thighs.

"MHM!~ A-AND YOU'RE ABOUT TO SEDUCE THE LEADER OF THE BAD GUYS! W-WHAT A FRISKY FOX YOU ARE! AAH!~" Wolf spanked Diane again, this time with more force which threw her forward into him; her breasts rubbing up against his chest as she wore a prideful smile on her face. "Oooh~ you like that, don't you? MM!~ You like being reminded of your place, huh? As an authority figure who constantly caves to this canine and the one- AH~ sent delirious by his tricks from the very beginning?"

"AUH!~ AHUH!~ And you like being reminded of your- MM~ place as a second rate has-been, don't you? That you had to- AAH!~ s-sly your way into this foxy pussy of mine, hm? Your charm c-captivated the GOVERNOR of California? Are you- AAH!~ p-proud of yourself, Wolf?~" Foxington nuzzled the underside of Wolf's chest as she smiled at him affectionately, a sweat breaking across her forehead as she felt herself increasingly inching closer and closer to climax. "Because I-I'm proud of you for claiming me- AH!~ r-really shows how COMMITTED you are! UH!~"

"A-And I'm proud of you for- MM~ n-not giving up on me! F-For always coming back- AAH!~ For giving me motivation t-to be better!~ AHAH!~ Y-yet in the end... I shall always be yours~" Wolf gently licked the underside of Foxington's neck with his slippery tongue before nibbling away at her neck, sending her into a world of euphoria second to an orgasm itself as he nipped at her neck until she felt like she was claimed. "And you, my dear Foxington- AH!~ - You shall always be mine!"

"AHAH!~ D-DAMN RIGHT I-I'LL ALWAYS BE YOURS! O-OH F-FUCK!~" Foxington's eyes suddenly widened as she felt her pussy subtly trembling, her liquids spewing over Wolf as her clit began to tingle. "W-WOLF! SH-SHIT!~ Y-YOU'RE G-GONNA MAKE ME CUM!~" Diane desperately bit her lip in the hopes of suppressing her upcoming orgasm or to edge herself as much as possible before she felt Wolf throb inside of her, too.

"AH-AHAH!~ T-THAT MAKES THE BOTH OF US, M-MY DEAR DIANE!~ O-OH F-FUCK YES!~ K-KEEP RIDING ME LIKE YOUR FAVOURITE ROLLERCOASTER! T-THAT'S MY GOOD S-SLUT!~ MMM!~" Wolf slapped Diane's backside again, gritting his teeth and letting off a growl as he toyed with Diane's slit with part of his paw hovering around her thighs. "Y-YOU LIKE BEING TAMED BY THE BIG BAD WOLF, DON'T YOU?~"

"AHAH!~ UHUH!~ A-AND I-I L-LOVE RIDING HIM!~ O-OH S-SHIT!~ Y-YES!~ W-WOLF!~" Diane contracted against Wolf as she felt herself slipping closer and closer to her climax as Wolf throbbed vigorously inside of her.


"O-OH Y-YES!~ P-PLEASE!~ F-FILL M-MY NEEDY PUSSY! W-WOLF!~ I-I'VE NEEDED THIS F-FOR A YEAR!~ AAH!~ OOAAH!~ Y-YES! Y-YES!~ W-WOLF!~" Foxington slipped into a set of shudders as her pelvis clenched, her pussy pulsating rapidly as she let off a squirt of warm fluid all over his throbbing member. "I-I'M CUMMING WOLF!~ I-I'M CUMMING F-FOR YOU!~ AAAAH!~ AAAUUUH!~"

"D-DIANE!~ F-FOXINGTON!~ F-FUCK!~ AAAAAAH!~" Wolf leaned his head back as he felt the first of a few humid, sticky and creamy shots fire from his cum-covered cock into Foxington's quivering pussy, panting rapidly as her pelvis jolted against his. "AAAH!~ OOOH!~ UUH!~ S-SHIT!~ T-THAT'S M-MY GOOD S-SLUT!~" With his last hurrah, he spanked Foxington's backside one final time with a crazed smile coating his face as well as a blush that could illuminate the entirety of the room with its brightness as he let off three more shots; his veins alongside Foxington's filled with an immeasurable amount of euphoria as their orgasm filled the air.

Foxington's gentle squirt coated the majority of Wolf's furry thighs as well as part of the chair as she had essentially marked him with his heat all the while her very womb was inflated due to the amount of cream that was fired into her from within. Her shaking body soon came to rest against Wolf's own as he wrapped his arms around her and rode out part of the afterglow, his member still filling her warm insides.

This entire time, they had completely forgotten they were inside of an interrogation room; they had even lost track of the time due to not looking at a clock since being reminded that it was 6 AM. As Foxington's shudders and jitters turned into the occasional shivers and Wolf's member stopped throbbing as intensely in the confines of her soaked snatch, the pair of them inevitably opened their blurry eyes and met the others with their notes touching... Wolf's brown eyes fondly looking down on Diane's emerald's as a satisfied grin slipped onto his face.

"That... That was euphoric. You are enchanting, Diane! Enchanting! I've never performed a heist more rewarding!" Foxington immediately deadpanned as she softly punched Wolf on the shoulder. "Owch!"

"Alright, you... Now you're just showboating. I know it's a massive deal fucking the Governor of California but can you at least keep it in your pants until you get home?" Foxington gazed down upon the creamy mess as well as the fact that Wolf's member was still firmly inside of her and let off a shrill laugh. "I guess you can't keep it in your pants without pants though, can you? I just hope you can keep a secret around your friends, Wolfie~ - Oh, they'll discover our secret eventually but... I don't want them to know just yet that they had to wait for you to exit this room with me because we mated~"

"A promise for you is a promise well kept... Governor~" Wolf took a moment to rub his eyes after keeping his paws fixated on Diane's body for so long as his arms softly unravelled from around her, revealing her orange form to none other than the buzzing light at the centre of the room. "Well, this was blissful and all but I believe I've flirted my way to freedom, hm? I guess it's time to get out of here?" Wolf slyly suggested, his charm simply prompting Foxington to scratch behind his ears and wink.

"Alright, Wolf~ you've been cooporative... I guess I can stamp off on these papers regarding your community service after all now that you've completed it~" Diane deliberately stuffed her tail in Foxington's face, raising it up and bending over as she reached for the stamp and approved the override of the community service documents she had forged. "Oh, by the way... There was no community service, I just wanted to fuck you because even I can lose my patience- AAAH!~" Foxington soon found her buttocks seared by Wolf's paw all the while she fell face-forwards into the desk before her.

"You know, I would go for a round two but how about we save that for when we're out of here... I've gotta put the needs of others above myself now, right? Prove that I'm not such a bad guy, hm?~" Wolf lifted himself up and soon followed suit with his pink polka-dot boxers as Diane picked up her disgraced panties. "I really hope no one pats us down before we leave, that would be embarrassing considering you're filled with my heat and my thighs are drenched with yours~"

"Do you seriously underestimate me sometimes? We're skipping that check together!~" Foxington buttoned up her blazer and the few buttons she had remaining at the top of her shirt whilst tucking in her undershirt into her slacks that she had just picked up all the while Wolf slipped into his jumpsuit. "Now, let's show the world that you're deserving of your freedom!" Foxington eagerly unchained the locks relating to the door, used the key against the three locks and gracefully opened the door with Wolf by her side, only for a crowd of guards as well as none other than Wolf's friends being gathered directly outside of the door who stared at them intently.

"What on earth were you guys doing in there for half an hour?" Mr. Piranha inquired whilst tilting his head to the side.

"I think we all know EXACTLY what THEY were doing in there, Piranha..." Mr. Snake quipped with his eyebrow raised all the while Tarantula and Shark merely gazed at the pair of them, flabbergasted. "Go ahead, Wolf and Foxington; humour us!"


[The End!]
[Author's Notes!]

I've honestly got nothing to ramble about; I just hope everyone who read this found some enjoyment in this little plot I made about Wolf and Foxington getting down and dirty! I swear the pair of these are iconic!

If you've noticed any mistakes or have any suggestions for next time, feel free to write a comment about it; I will try my best to read them! - And if you enjoyed it, make your voice heard! I love being able to respond to you all, I may write as a humble hobbyist but knowing you all enjoy my work makes me incredibly happy!

That's all for now, folks! May the cosmos shine upon you and I shall see you next time! - Naidvar

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