dohoon / / Desiderium

990 33 17

“Why are we sitting here again?" Doyoung asked as the boy beside him lazily sipped on his pomegranate juice

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“Why are we sitting here again?" Doyoung asked as the boy beside him lazily sipped on his pomegranate juice. “Because Junkyu hyung told you to meet up behind the school at the famous make out spot because he wants to make out with you.” He stated. “And you dragged me here, making me ditch my sleep because you think he'll not come and you'll be going home alone, crying like a 5 year old.”

“Hey! I added a ‘maybe'.” Doyoung said, emphasizing the word ‘maybe’. “Does it have an impact?” The other asked. The elder nodded his head in a confident manner. Sighing, the latter got up and dumped the packet of his juice.

Minutes passed by soon enough. Doyoung brushed his hand through his hair and bit his lip. Was Junkyu really messing around? He definitely wanted to make Doyoung look like a fool who is hopeless in his love life because apparently he had a crush on the famous heartbreaker of their school.

“It's been 44 minutes..” Doyoung mumbled softly.

“And he didn't come.” His friend, Jeongwoo spoke. “I should’ve known, he made a fool out of me.” Doyoung muttered to himself.

He marched around the area for a few times and stopped. Even Jeongwoo was getting hopeless.

“I mean he seemed so lovesick when he asked you today.” He reasoned. “He always looks so damn perfect. How can I be sure??” Jeongwoo rolled his eyes. “He always looks so damn perfect.” He mimicked. “And Mr. Perfect is ditching you. Can you just stop simping over such  a shithead?”

“Hey!” Doyoung exclaimed in a defensive voice. “Don't call him that.”

Just as they  were arguing, they noticed three figures running towards them from afar. It was Junkyu, his eyes seemed tensed. They soon came to Doyoung and Jeongwoo and stopped, catching their breaths.

“Sorry we're a little late here.” Junkyu spoke and clumsily scratched the back of his head. Doyoung shook his head and smiled, “It's fine, really.” Jeongwoo observed from behind and sighed to himself. But it was a silly sigh, not one of those serious ones.

“So..?” He asked from behind, seeing none of Doyoung and Junkyu talking.
Junkyu quickly nodded his head and stepped back to where Jihoon and Yoshi were. They whispered something and patted Jihoon on the back several times. The said male took large intake of air and breathed. He stepped forward and stood right on front of Doyoung. Jihoon' eyes shot caramel as he looked into the latter's, but they held fear as well.

Doyoung raised an eyebrow and laughed in an awkward manner.

“Uhm so..” He started but stopped. “Screw it.” He muttered to himself and to the shorter's shock, Jihoon took his hands in his.

“I fell for you when I saw how you were adoring the pups by the sidewalk. Your eyes were gleaming in happiness. I didn't know how to find you but found you soon enough.” He paused and looked behind to his friends.

“I got to know your class. Fast forward a year, and I knew I was crazy over you. Damn I remember walking for like twenty minutes everyday to take the same bus as you. But you know, I didn't have the courage to ask you out. But I had to one day, right? And today us the day. I don't know how you feel about me. But I can assure you, I'll treat you as my best gift.”

He smiled softly. Doyoung’s heart beat in an unusual speed, but it wasn't from happiness. It felt strange. His eyes went to the black haired male standing a few steps away from Jihoon. His face looked so anticipating and hopeful as he watched his friend. Doyoung's lips moved slightly and his eyes felt somewhat wet from the inside.

Jihoon spoke again. “This might be a bit bizarre because I'm actually so nervous about it. I just want you to know that I love you.” He took another deep breath as he held the other's hand a little more tight. “Will you go out with me?”

The question Doyoung was dreading finally came out of his mouth. The younger's mouth was trembling at this point. Junkyu and Yoshi were clutching on each other's jackets to hear the ultimate answer.

Doyoung looked behind and saw the surprised and ridiculed look on Jeongwoo’s face. He felt numb.
The look on Jihoon's face broke his heart.

But the most unexpected happen. Doyoung nodded his head, mumbled a faint ‘Yes'. Jihoon's face bloomed in happiness. He wasted no time to embrace the latter's slim figure. The elder patted his head and kept murmuring ‘thank you'. Doyoung could only watch the pure happiness evident in Junkyu's face as he celebrated with Yoshi from behind. It was all wrong, but still Junkyu was happy because of this, wasn't he?

And Doyoung let a single teardrop fall from his eye, unnoticed by everyone.

// ☆ //

Got this idea randomly so wrote it instantly! It's kinda short but still I like the twisted plot here >3<

Am working on the requests too so dont worry abt that!

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