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3rd person P.O.V:

Nikki and Rohan rushed to hospital after getting a call from Pallavi. It was around 10 p.m. and the traffic was high. Even then Rohan drove as fast as he could because Pallavi sounded really tensed when she called them.

When they reached hospital Rohan saw Pallavi waiting near the accident and emergency ward along with Ron. As soon as she saw them, she immediately went near them. She hugged Nikki and started crying badly.

"Pallavi, yaar calm down. What happened?"

"Raghav. . Nikki he. . my Raghav" she found it difficult to complete her words.

Rohan gestured her to make Pallavi sit in a near by comfortable place and went to talk to Ron.

"Hi sir. I am Ron. Raghav sir's assistant."

" Hi. I am Rohan. What exactly happened?"

"Sir. It was almost near 9 and most of the workers went home, except me and Pallavi ma'am. She stayed back to discuss something with sir. I informed her as soon Raghav sir came back from his meeting and she went inside to talk with him. But soon I heard her screaming and when I reached his cabin I saw Raghav sir lying on the floor and he was. . unconscious. There was blood coming out of his nose. Ma'am was totally shocked to find him in such a state. We immediately bought him to the hospital." Ron almost cried as he narrated what happened with Raghav few hours ago.

"Calm down Ron. Everything will be fine."



"Ma'am . ." He pointed towards Pallavi's direction and gestured looking at her condition.

Rohan took a deep breath as he saw Pallavi leaning on Nikki shoulder and crying badly like a child. Nikki was trying hard to console her but nothing was working. He was about to talk with Pallavi when doctor barged out from the observation room.

Pallavi stood up as soon as she saw him.

"Doctor, how's Raghav?"

"He's fine. Please come to my cabin."

Pallavi was half relieved as she heard those words. All four of them entered Dr. Mehta's cabin as he called the duty nurse to get Raghav's report .

"So you guys are?"

"We are his friends." Rohan said immediately.

"His family?"

"His parents are no more and he is a single child." Pallavi said in a low voice.

"Okay then. I called you here to inform something very important. I already know Raghav as one of my very recent patient . He already has  an history of vasovagal syncope. And I strongly suspect that  he fainted due an anxiety attack. He might be going through some kind of extreme pressure. His body couldn't tolerate it and hence it reacted. The nose bleeding also occurred due to the same reason.

I already advised him to take his health seriously but looks like he is not ready to hear anything right now. As of now, he will be conscious within next ten hours and can go home once a final check up is done.

 But please ask him to be careful and take the necessary help; otherwise it may even result in heart attack or stroke."

Pallavi became numb due to all these sudden information. Rohan and Nikki noticed the same and they held her hands tight.

* * * *

Rohan asked Ron to go home and that he will stay there with Pallavi. He was hesitant to leave but then he also needed to go to office the next day to make changes in Raghav's upcoming schedule and hence he left. Nikki too left as she had to attend an important meeting in Bangalore  and had to catch her flight within few hours.

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