A Second Chance

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Balan POV - I smiled as one of the Tim's handed me a string of lights hanging them delicately off the tree.

Tim - Chhiirrppp?~

Balan - Why little one we are preparing mine and my beloved's Anniversary everything needs to be absolutely perfect we've got much to do the food needs to be prepared the castle needs cleaning

Tim - Chiiiirrrppp...

Balan - Now now we shouldn't use magic for this I was taught doing this by hand is more meaningful

Tim - .....

Balan POV - I kept decorating the island beginning to frown looking down as my hands began to slow down.

Tim - Chhiirrpp???

Balan - Fluffy would have enjoyed this day as well *Sad Smiles* I still remember (Y/N) Birthday he wanted to give fluffy some cake and dinner even though he fully knew it wasn't allowed...but I caved *Tears* H-he truly loved that Tim it was his special Tim

Balan POV - I tried to calm down realizing I've gotten myself worked up clearing my throat.

Balan - Let's continue decorating for (Y/N).....and for Fluffy

Tim - Chhhiiirrrpp!!!! *Bounced around*

Balan - Taking my hat off I began to transform looking out in the distance giving a small smile.

Balan - Taking my hat off I began to transform looking out in the distance giving a small smile

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......I love you so much my dear

Male Reader POV - I sighed sitting on the bed suddenly hearing the door open my eyes went wide shocked seeing Mr. Landers and Mr. Penner standing there.

Male Reader - Mr. Landers *Tears*

Male Reader POV - Quickly getting up I ran over launching myself onto him feeling his arms wrap around me crying in his chest. Strangely enough I've felt his heart beating fast cuddling closer not believing Mr. Penner allowed him here.

Mr. Landers - Shh it's alright

Male Reader - Sir! *Sobs*

Mr. Penner POV - I saw how attached (Y/N) was observing closely seeing a tear in Mr. Landers eye he really cared for this boy.

Mr. Penner - (Y/N) we've had a long talk

Male Reader POV - Sniffling I let Mr. Landers go looking over confused drying my tears.

Male Reader - H-huh?

Mr. Penner - We've agreed that he's not allowed to see you outside of school

Male Reader - *Looks down*......I don't like that agreement

Mr. Penner - (Y/N) this is something we have to d-

Male Reader - No it's not!! Why?! Why does Mr. Landers agree to something so dehumanizing?! I don't understand! You're still treating him cold!!

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