everyone dies and everyone dead (including me)

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I see the words written on the walls. And the strange noises that come from upstairs but I don't check or look because I am secretly a pussy and these weird noises scare the shit out of me, but I don't move. I sit there on my ass and continue to pretend to read my book because that is all I really can do. That is until someone comes in to interrupt me from my pretend work, asking me if they heard the noises coming from upstairs. I tell them that I don't and that they should leave me alone because I'm busy and I don't have the time or the physical effort to talk to them. They ask me why I am so mean and I tell them it's because I want them to leave me alone and to stop bothering me. They huff but eventually they leave and now I am there alone, by myself. I secretly regret making them leave because now I can't focus on anything but the noises that are coming from upstairs. I take out my journal and ask the book why there is a noise coming from upstairs and the book tells me. It says that it is because you are a virgin and it wants to eat your virgin soul. I laugh out loud because come on, that's pretty funny. Except that I don't really laugh, I just sit there and make a snorting sound. Someone asks me what's so funny but I don't say anything. I just have a vision of this person who is supposedly somewhere behind me or infront of me getting eaten alive by the virgin pussy monster. I snort again, into my elbow, so that the intruder can't tell that I am feeling an emotion. The person, whom I don't know, sits next to me on the soft cushions and begins talking about nonsensical things. I pretend that I don't listen to them and that is a nuisance but secretly I like the attention that they are giving me. Because who wouldn't like the praise of a certain admirer that is probably going to die soon and that these words will be the last words that this person will ever say to you. And i'm like yes, keep talking fool. Soon you will bow down to me.

They ask me if I want to go upstairs to see what the horrible noise is coming from and I'm like, the journal told me that the pussy monster would eat me because I'm a virgin. And, yeah, I guess I am a virgin but who can even control that. So I look at this person's feet and I say I guess. And they pump their hands and they say that they are so fucking excited that you have come to join them on their pursuit and I grumble and complain about how overly excite they are but secretly, I like it and I enjoy all the attention that they are giving me. Because, again, why not??? They take my hand and they pull me up the stairs. I grumble and ask them why they couldn't just carry me up the stairs and they say that it is because they have legs and that they are being silly/. I tell them that I am not being silly and that I am being very logical. They laugh and make a joke about how much of a pussy I'm being and I get flashbacks to what my journal said. They ask me if I'm scared and tell them that I'm... not. But somehow they notice the spacing of my words and they ask me if I am okay? I tell them that I am fine and they should stop worrying about me because, well, there is nothing to worry about. They hold up my chin with theirs and they... stick out their tongue and spit in my face. I tell them to shut up because they are being annoying but they won't shut up because secretly this person is an asshole and secretly they don't care what I think. Well, at least that is what I think that they think. I mean who knows what they think, they're crazy. You're crazy I tell them, there is nothing up there and you're just hearing things. Youre stupid and you just don't understand that your stupid. Because this is too crazy for me. I stop on the stairs and I don't move. They look back at me with large doe eyes and they ask me why I'm not moving. I look at them with a confused expression and I say that I just told you why and it is because this crazy and stupid and you are crazy and stupid, and this is very Very stupid. They grin wickedly and ask me what I am going to do about it and I say that I don't know. Does anyone even know what they are doing? This is what I want to say but I don't because I choose to hold my tongue, figuratively. I'm not actually going to hold my tongue in front of this insane person. That would be crazy because they might just bite off my tongue.

So I look at them in the eyes and I say Fuck it i screw you. I take my hand away from them and I put my two hands together and I say that that is not what I meant to say. I run down the stairs away from the noise and away from because like I said, they are crazy. I yell at them from halfway down stairs and I say that they are crazy and that if they die it is because they are also stupid. And if you're smart, you will accept that I don't want to do this and of course I don't say that out loud because they would probably just ridicule me for acting like I care and don't and do actually care. I purse my lips and run down the stairs to get away from them while I sweat profusely. because , because, I don't really want them to die. Because I guess I do care about them.

They are going to die and there is nothing that I can do about it. I see someone else running upstairs and I tell them that they are running to their death. But they don't seem to care. No one seems to care about what I have to tell them. I mean, why would they. I think I am pretty stupid anyway. I snicker to myself as I run down the stairs. They are all going to die and it is not going to be my fault because I did nothing. Hah. Time to run away now before they pull me back upstairs to their shit that they are probably getting into now. And huff, I shouldn't care but I do because I have a big heart and deep down I care very much. I keep running until I am out of breath and my legs and my arms are shaking because honestly I think I might be dying. I shake my head and pull myself up from my knees??? People do that, don't they??? And would I be an accessory to murder since I'm letting them die? Should I care? Honestly, I don't know. Maybe. I need to stop acting so confused and make up my mind so that no one thinks of how stupid I am being. Because I am probably being very stupid right now. Probably. I should probably stop thinking right now but I have so many thoughts running through my head and they won't stop. I almost forget that I should still be running because I see the door right in front of me. It is so very close but still so far away from where I am running to. Am I still running? I think to myself just as I put my hand on the handle I hear a sound coming down from the upstairs, and it is a large sound. It makes a boom sound and I already know in my heart(?) that they are dead and that they are not coming back to life. I should open the door but I fear that it is too late for me and that I might die as well. I always wondered what it would be like to die. I guess now I can experience it for myself. I give a snort as I turn around and see the flames tumbling down from the stairs and I grin from ear to ear and I think to myself that I haven't smiled like this in a long time. I guess I will die, I said as I watched the flames engulf my fingers. It stings but I am okay. Everything is okay. I close my eyes as I feel myself dying and my mind, for once, is quiet, and don't have so many thoughts up there anymore. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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