1. stupid mobile games

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"There is literally nothing to dooooo"

Loud, extended groans echoed through a small bedroom, emitted from none other than (y/n), the self proclaimed: 'most bored person ever to exist like ever.'

Her fingers scrolled aimlessly, searching on her handheld device for anything at all to entertain her, a stiff hand running through her (h/l) hair.
After almost ten minutes of uninterested scanning of every single social media on her phone, her eyes caught a small app cover, planted in the corner of her home screen.
'when did I get that?'
Neon colours adorned the edges of it, a small symbol in the centre with a matching bright scheme.
'whatever, guess this will have to work'

Another dramatic sigh left her lips, turning her body over on her bed, leaning on her chest, face almost on her pillow, the small electronic filling the gap between them, held up by her nearly folded arms.

(Y/n)s POV

The game loaded itself up quickly, interesting, but wordless music blasting as the play button flew into the centre of the screen.
"Christ on a stick- what the fuck.
This tiny shit has no business being so louuuddddd."
Your hand flew up off the bed, dropping your phone to lean upwards on your knees, massaging your temple roughly.
After another even more dramatic groan, you reached forward back onto your chest, grabbing your phone and turning the volume as low as it would go, pressing the button a few more times just in case (definitely not for dramatic effect).

You clicked the play button, letting the controls on either side of the screen load up,  your character getting immediately bombarded by the games so called 'enemies'
"No tutorial option? Damn"
Your thumbs danced across the screen, attempting to fight off the 'stupid fucks' running towards you far, far too fast.

Unsurprisingly, you died.

"Well that sucked"
You were about to click back to your home screen, away from the infuriating game, when suddenly an advert popped up preventing you.
"No, I don't want to rate your stupid game."
You spat out, searching the corners for a small 'x' to appear.
It didn't.
"Fine then, you persistent bitch, what are my options?"
Text began to form across the screen.

'Congratulation player! You are the chosen one! Click here to collect your reward!'
The text lit up a purple colour, creating a box around itself, indicating that it could be used as a button, while more text formed below.
'no thanks, I do not wish to be the chosen one'
This line lit up a blue colour, forming an equal border.
"Fucking scam."
Your fingers immediately went to the 'no thanks option' pressing the screen hard.
"Are you gonna work?"
You continued tapping the screen waiting for something, anything at all to happen.
"Geez, alright then I'll rate this dumb app, hope you like your one star."
You reached upwards on the screen, tapping the top purple text lightly, it immediately complying.
You waited for the screen to load once more, a new page opening.
Suddenly, your eyelids began to feel so much heavier.
You rolled onto your back, propping your phone up on your chest, dropping your head back onto the pillow, your whole body slowing down.
The phone dropped down onto you, your hands falling down at your sides, falling into a deep sleep.



you sat up quickly, head pounding.
"what the fuck."
You looked around, a thick forest surrounded you, with you sat in a small centre clearing.
"What the fuck."
You looked down to yourself, in a completely different outfit than what you had been wearing, ripped fighting gear adorning your body.

___________________________________________(Graphic art clearly isn't my passion lol, I tried to make it as similar to my idea as I could, I used pure white for the skin for hopefully a race neutrality:] )___________________________________________

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(Graphic art clearly isn't my passion lol, I tried to make it as similar to my idea as I could, I used pure white for the skin for hopefully a race neutrality:] )

Not giving you any time to react, a herd of large slimy monsters attacked you from behind, grappling your hair, trying to pull you to pieces.
you start to struggle, kicking your legs wildly in hopes to catch one of them with a hit, unsuccessfully.
"Shit shit shit shit shit."
You mumble as you shove as much of your arms as you can away from them.

You were lifted up into the air by your legs, hair and torso, flailing attempting to reach the newfound dagger held onto your thigh.
a new voice yelled from out of your view, clearly approaching, and fast.
you felt yourself drop onto the forest floor once more, as the stranger began to attack the creeps trying to move you.
The stranger had a rough voice and once you recovered from the fall, you turned to see he had the perfectly matching appearance to it.
He had spiky out of place, but placed up high red hair, white spiky teeth grating together in an attempt to swing his equally as sharp weapon at your attackers.

Speaking of your attackers, he had almost defeated them, easily overpowering every one with his strength.
He delivered one final blow to one in front, and they began to disappear into dust one by one like dominos.
"Huh- how di-"
You began before getting cut off by the redette.
my hp?-
"BUT ANYWAY who are you?? Why are you out here alone with such low stats??"
"Uh you good?"
You snapped out from your state of confusion just to become ever more confused.
Two large boxes with a blue hue had appeared infront of you, both holding text inside.
'i'm fine.'
'what's it to you?'

"What the fuck."

The world continued to stay paused despite any reactions you let out, so you eventually decided to click on one of the boxes.
"Well, I don't know this guy, or where I am so I have the right to be mean to this guy, but at the same time he did just save my ass soo."
You reached out and pressed the first option:
'i'm fine."

The world instantly continued and the redhead spoke again.
"Good to hear, but once again who are you?"
Just like before, the world stopped and gave you instead of a choice, a keyboard.
This is a golden opportunity.
"Okay so, I can probably put my name as anything at allll, butt I still don't know what the hell is going on so I'm probably better picking my own name...."
Your fingers reached out and began to type 'your-mu'

It deleted itself straight away.
Reluctantly, you reached out once more and typed in (y/n).
"Oh! (Y/n) cool name! I'm Eijiro kirishima, the one and only!"
He extended one scarred hand out to meet yours, you reciprocating and shaking his in the middle.
A big goofy grin was plastered across his face, and dropped into a serious expression
'but seriously dude, your stats are far too low to be in this part of the forest, I'll take you to my clan and we can try upgrade them a bit."
His previous smile returned to his face, as he beckoned for you to follow him, walking further into the trees.

You took a deep breath in.

"Well, this is much better than being bored I guess."


Hii, author here!!
I hope whoever's reading is enjoying this so far :)
I was planning to make this into a romance story, so let me know what love interest you guys would want and I'll get on making it.
I can't guarantee a new chapter today, but I'm working on it and I'll hopefully have a much longer second one up soon

Have a great day <33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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