The Couch (A Thirsty Night)

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(One shot - Mon's POV)

Yours truly,
- A certain freenbeck shipper -

"Click clack click clack."

The office was dead quiet, save for the clickity clackity sound of hands typing on keyboards. I was in the middle of drafting a document when I found myself phasing out. My eyelids were as heavy as lead, my mind close to shutting down. All of a sudden, like a cool hand plopped itself on my shoulder, I heard Khunsam's - or should I say, Ms. Anantrakul's voice travel across the office.

"Ms. Kornkamon, I need to review your documents, please come see me in my office."

I snapped out of it and quickly sucked a short string of saliva back into my mouth while hectically reorganizing myself. I stood up abruptly, so abruptly that my chair rolled behind me and crashed into the wall, making my face redden like a tomato as the seconds passed.

"Yes, Ms. Anuntrakul."

I gathered my documents and fixed up my shirt. Then I got up, taking (what I thought were) confident strides towards her room. I inhaled deeply, preparing to face my boss. I was afraid she would hear the rhythmic pulsing of my heart. It was thumping so loudly it might as well have jumped out my chest. I reached out and knocked on the door tentatively.

No answer. Confused, I opened the door only to find Khunsam sitting on her chair with one leg propped on top of the other. Weirdly, my eyes wandered to the oddly placed couch in her office. A couch? Who would place a couch in their office? I've never seen anything that looked this out of place. Nevertheless, she looked good today. Not that she didn't look good usually, but she looked especially good today. I stared into Khunsam's light brown eyes, willing to lose myself in them over, and over, and over again. Her piercing yet tender gaze seemed to peer into my soul. Again, I was ensnared in her witchery, lost in those very brown eyes.

"Hello? Ms. Kornkamon?"

"Ah, sorry, here are the documents you requested."

I replied hurriedly.

Right then, Khunsam's face changed - from stone faced and expressionless, to bright and kind. The biggest mystery were her eyes. Her calm and serious eyes softened just a tiny bit, the edges of her lips lifting up ever so slightly, beckoning me without even opening her mouth.

"I didn't ask you to come in just to review the documents,"

Khunsam said with a cheeky grin plastered all over her face,

"I asked you to help me with other work. We are going to be very busy tonight."

It took me a few seconds to process what she had said, and I wasn't sure whether to smile embarrassingly or whether to turn beet red. Well, it didn't matter. I did both.

"Lock the door."

My heart skipped a beat and I was choking on nervousness.

"But...why? Ms. Anuntrakul?"
I hurriedly added.

Right then, I figured I could be the dumbest person on earth. I already knew the reason but I just wanted Khunsam's affirmation.

Her eyebrows furrowed, eyes showing the slightest hint of disappointment.

"I told you not to call me that when it's just us...Mon."

She paused, then walked slowly towards me, one step at a time. I stood very still, afraid that if I breathed I would wake up from this alluring dream. Each step brought her closer and closer to me. Close enough to feel her warm breath.

"You wanted to know why I asked you to lock the door, right?"

She hesitated, then let out a chuckle.

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